Fremantle closed packages/eff-content-fonts

Fremantle PR-1.3.

Closed source package eff-content-fonts.

eff-content-fonts contains proprietary fonts. 'eff' in package name probably refers to "The Electronic Font Foundry".

Description: Fonts for the content on OSSO platform.
 This is a set of fonts that are used in content applications as
 the web browser, email and help application. They provide a basic
 Sans-serif, Serif and Monospaced font.

default installed version

apt-cache policy eff-content-fonts
Installed: 1.0-6


dpkg -L eff-content-fonts 

Where (metadata of files)

NcrBI4nh.ttf = NewCourier, bold, italic
NcrBR4nh.ttf = NewCourier, bold
NcrRI4nh.ttf = NewCourier, italic
NcrRR4nh.ttf = NewCourier, regular
NtmBI4nh.ttf = NewTimes, bold, italic
NtmBR4nh.ttf = NewTimes, bold                 
NtmRI4nh.ttf = NewTimes, italic                 
NtmRR4nh.ttf = NewTimes, regular
SwaBI4nh.ttf = SwissA, bold, italic
SwaBR4nh.ttf = SwissA, bold
SwaRI4nh.ttf = SwissA, italic
SwaRR4nh.ttf = SwissA, regular

  • NewCourier is mono.
  • NewTimes is serif.
  • SwissA is sans serif.

Package maemoblocks depends on eff-content-fonts (but truly there are much more applications using it if it present).

If removed:

*phone can still booted (not critical package).
*phone works and some other fonts are used instead.