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[edit] Welcome to the Maemo Greeters Page
Edit: As of 04 June 2012, this program appears to have gone inactive with listed members either inactive or engaging in little recent activity on TMO. The last previous edit of this article occurred 12 April 2010 and may now be out of date. If this conclusion is incorrect please update this article accordingly.
This is a voluntary initiative by members of the maemo community.
Greeters here at can be recognized by their distinctive (often multilingual) signatures within which are several useful links for the newcomer/beginner/curious. If you're new or curious, feel free to click through those links.
As well, Greeters are encouraged (but not expected) to perform typical help desk activities in
Some notes for potential greeters:
- Try to remain courteous at all times
- This program is strictly voluntary
- There is no official status conferred by this "title"
- There are no offers or guarantees of any reward
- There will be no formal scoring of participation
Notes for newcomers:
- Please Thank any post that assists you, directly or indirectly
- Keep in mind that any Greeter is a volunteer
- Feel free to suggest ideas to any Greeter
It is expected that Greeter participation will result in Thanks from those who directly benefit, as well as anyone appreciative of the effort.
[edit] List of Greeters
(Note - if you want to be a greeter, see below and feel free to add your name to this list...)
in progress
- ossipena - Finnish, English, German, Swedish (very little)
- smarsh - Steve speaks English and can talk non-techie as well.
- Matyas - Français, Italiano
- b666m - German & English
- xomm - Andy - English, Vietnamese. Focus: FUDfight, Trollfight, Helping new users understand how the community works.
[edit] Original post from Texrat
(Post:, in thread
After much discussion and deliberation, we are moving forward with testing the Maemo Greeters Brainstorm idea (see Note that the actual Brainstorm solution for this (#1) has not actually moved to the implementation stage as of this writing, but it will be.
The basic idea is that any member can volunteer for this activity, and it can be implemented by simply using the following (or similar) for your posting signature:
Hi! I'm a Maemo Greeter! Useful links for newcomers: New members say hello, New users start here, Community subforum, Beginners' wiki page, Maemo5 101, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) If I can help with anything else, just ask!
In addition, participants are encouraged (but not expected) to perform typical help desk activities in
Some notes for participants: Try to remain courteous at all times This program is strictly voluntary There is no official status conferred by this "title" There are no offers or guarantees of any reward There will be no formal scoring of participation
Notes for newcomers: Please Thank any post that assists you, directly or indirectly Keep in mind that any Greeter is a volunteer Feel free to suggest ideas to any Greeter
It is expected that Greeter participation will result in Thanks from those who directly benefit, as well as anyone appreciative of the effort.
Since this is a pilot, it is subject to change without notice, including dissolution of the program if it has too low or no participation, or there is no obvious benefit. Constructive feedback of all kinds is welcome. You may contact any Greeter, or me directly.
Let's make this work!
Thanks! And special thanks to Den in USA, whose shining example in New members say hello inspired this idea. You guys reward him by Thanking his greeting posts when you think of it.
[edit] Greeters signature suggestions
There is no yet official signature (the whole idea is making its baby steps, see brainstorm item) but here is the original version Texrat suggested:
Hi! I'm a Maemo Greeter! Useful links for newcomers: New members say hello , New users start here, Community subforum, Beginners' wiki page, Maemo5 101, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) If I can help with anything else, just ask! :)
[edit] Basic English version
Greeters can copy latest(hopefully!) version of signature from here and paste it to their signatures. It should work straight.
Hi! I'm a Maemo Greeter! Useful links for newcomers: [url=]New members say hello[/url], [url=]New users start here[/url], [url=]Community subforum[/url], [url=]Beginners' wiki page[/url], [url=]Maemo5 101[/url], [url=]Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)[/url] If I can help with anything else, just ask! :)
[edit] Version Française
Les volontaires devraient utiliser une signature unique et distinctive. J'invite les francophones à donner des avis et à améliorer le texte ci dessous (discussion). Le texte comprend du code HTML et il est prêt pour être copié dans votre profil, sans aucune modification de votre part.
Nouveau venu ? Je peux vous aider : Toutes les informations utiles (pages encore en anglais) : [url=]Présentez-vous à la communauté[/url] , [url=]L'essentiel pour bien commencer[/url], [url=]Débuter sur Maemo 4 (N800 - N810)[/url], [url=]Le Wiki sur Maemo 5 (N900)[/url], [url=]La FAQ[/url], [url=]Le sous-forum dédié aux communautés[/url] En cas de souci, n'hésitez pas à me poser vos questions!
[edit] Nederlandse versie
Groeters kunnen hier de laatste versie naar hun onderschrift kopieren. De links zijn vooralsnog in het Engels.
Hoi! Ik ben een Maemo Groet! Handige links voor nieuwkomers (Engels): [url=]Welkom nieuwe leden[/url] , [url=]Startpunt voor nieuwe leden[/url], [url=]Community subforum[/url], [url=]Wiki pagina voor Beginners[/url], [url=]Maemo 5 basisprincipes[/url], [url=]Vaakgestelde vragen[/url] Heb je nog vragen? Voel je vrij deze aan mij te stellen!
[edit] Versione Italiana
I volontari dovrebbero impiegare una firma uniforme e distintiva. Invitiamo i membri della comunità Maemo a migliorare il testo riportato nella casella sottostante (discussione su Il testo contiene del codice HTML ed è pronto per essere copiato nel profilo dei volontari, senza alcuna necessità di apportare modifica.
Benvenuto! Se hai bisogno di aiuto, sono a disposizione. Ecco dove iniziare (in inglese): [url=]Presentazioni dei nuovi iscritti[/url], [url=]Primi passi per nuovi iscritti[/url], [url=]Wiki per chi inizia con Maemo 4 (N800 - N810)[/url], [url=]Wiki per chi inizia con Maemo 5 (N900)[/url], [url=]FAQ[/url], [url=]Subforum della Comunità[/url] In caso di dubbi o domande non esitare: contattami!
[edit] Svensk version
Välkomnare kan (förhoppningsvis!) kopiera den senaste versionen av signaturen härifrån till sin signatur.
Hej! Jag är en av Maemos välkomnare! Användbara länkar för nykomlingar (på engelska): [url=]Nya medlemmar säger hej[/url], [url=]Nya användare: börja här[/url], [url=]Subforum om communityn[/url], [url=]Wikisida för nybörjare[/url], [url=]Kort om Maemo 5[/url], [url=]Vanliga frågor (FAQ)[/url] Kan jag hjälpa till med något annat så säg till! :)
- This page was last modified on 4 June 2012, at 03:11.
- This page has been accessed 64,383 times.