Contents |
[edit] Introduction
Hamster Filer is a file manager application for Fremantle written in Qt.
More information on the package can be found...
[edit] Installation
The latest version can be found in the Devel repository and can be installed using the N900 Application Manager (HAM).
[edit] Operation
- General operating instructions required.
[edit] What can Hamster Filer do?
What does it do?
- Copy, move, link and delete files and folders, including root privileges (restart required)
- Parallel file operations with logging -- do many things at the same time and browse the history (Ctrl+O)
- FileBox-like clipboard (Ctrl+P) with configurable behavior
- Location bar with buttons and path editor (Ctrl+L or press and hold one of the buttons)
- Opening files with default or user-defined applications (enter "application-name %s" in the command field)
- Bookmarks (Ctrl+B)
- Customizable view: hidden files (Ctrl+H), grid/list view (Ctrl+G), a (currently very limited) choice of file details to show, fullscreen view, location bar that can be hidden
- Displaying (but not generating, yet) thumbnails, MIME icons
- Creating empty files and folders
- Sending files via Bluetooth and email
- Multi-selection (Ctrl+S)
[edit] Settings
[edit] Starting location
This is the directory which will be opened right after starting Hamster Filer, unless another location is specified on the command line. To choose a starting location, navigate to the desired place in the main window, then open the settings window and press the button to copy the location from the main window.
[edit] Save location on exit
Enabling this option will result in Hamster Filer automatically setting the starting location to the current one on exit, so you will continue browsing from where you ended on the previous session.
[edit] Start in bookmarks
This option can be enabled to show the bookmarks window immediately after startup. Providing a location on command line will suppress that behavior.
[edit] Orientation
Allows you to choose whether the application window should be locked to landscape, locked to portrait, or rotate freely with the device.
[edit] Run as root
Allows you to start Hamster Filer with superuser privileges. The application should be restarted for the change to take effect. When in this mode, you can see (root) appended to the usual window title to remind you that you might want to switch it off as soon as possible.
[edit] Select new items
When enabled, each new item added to clipboard will immediately become selected.
[edit] Deselect old items
When enabled, already selected clipboard items will be deselected when new items are added.
[edit] Deselect used items
When enabled, all clipboard item will be deselected upon performing an operation on them (copy, move, etc.).
[edit] Save on exit
When enabled, clipboard items are remembered between sessions, so you will not lose them after restarting the application.
[edit] Bugs
Please report bugs to the talk.maemo.org Hamster Filer Announce page.
[edit] Bug List
- missing manual/website
- about missing
- help missing (list of shortcuts)
[edit] Requests
- integrate browsing s/ftp mounts. scp or sftp support (Something like fish:/ in konqueror or dolphin file manager (in kde))
- see files from bluetooth FTP server
- show width and height of images
- show memory usage of partitions
- to show the original directory of symlinked item
- configurable keyboard shortcuts
- Searching capability
- The power to explore the DLNA server such as native file browser would be fine.
- option to edit file associations
- "Share to service" functionality
- multiple instances
True multiple instances (=they do not share clipboard) can be achieved by terminal.
- Recursive set permissions on all files/folders in a folder
- BuildIn support for creating compressed archives.
-With password protection
- BuildIn support for opening zip,tgz,rar,7z...
-With password
- Option to "always open that type of file with this app"
- More preinstalled examples for applications
E.g for CLI osso-xterm -e \"nano %s\"
- backspace be mapped to previous folder
- (consistency) Some buttons on the right opens new layer on the window stack (there are that back-button), some opens dialogs. New stacked window-layers can't be fullscreen, so maybe everything could be dialogs?
- "open terminal here" -button (not inside menu 'open with')
- Text "Run as root" -> "Run as root (needs restart)"
- Text "Starting location" -> "make current directory to the starting location"
- Text "create object" -> "Create file or folder"
- PopUpMenu is hard when multiple files selected (there would be space on right for this menu.
[edit] Translations
- Needed
[edit] License/Disclaimer
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 3+) as published by the Free Software.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
[edit] Versions/Changelog
0.6.4-1 (current extras)
- Added location history, currently operable only with keyboards shortcuts (Backspace, Shift+Backspace).
- Added persistent mode for the location editor.
- Added a note that restart is required for the superuser setting to take effect.
- Initially select only the base name in filename input fields.
- Unlocked the ability to edit the applications list right before opening a file.
- Use a URI when opening a file with its default application, which should improve compatibility with some applications.
- Do not show the second location info field in attention dialog for remove operations.
- Force dates to be in English for consistency.
- Some tweaks in the packaging.
- Added an option to save the location on exit.
- Fixed misdetection of existing entries when creating a new file/directory.
- Fixed (yeah, again) sharing via Bluetooth.
- Added some error messages to the file details dialog.
- Better recovery from an invalid starting location.
- Reduced the margin in the settings window to avoid horizontall scrolling with wider fonts.
- Scrollbar position is restored after selecting a directory from the location bar or performing an operation which causes the file list to be reloaded.
- Location bar can be shown/hidden without reloading the file list.
- Some example application entries are created on the first run.
- Removed all traces of the menu bar of applications window when opening it in application-launching mode.
- Enabling multi-select clears the selection to prevent selecting an additional item by mistake.
- Loading indicator is shown when opening a directory.
- Fixed sharing via Bluetooth.
- Fixed the location bar scrolling to an outdated button.
- Fixed false overwrite warnings and some other problems when handling multiple directory trees.
- Fixed multi-select button sometimes not being in the proper state after changing location.
- Initial release.
- This page was last modified on 5 September 2013, at 07:11.
- This page has been accessed 10,951 times.