MaeLyrica/How to write plugins
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[edit] How to write a plugin for MaeLyrica?
[edit] What is a MaeLyrica plugin?
A MaeLyrica plug-in is a class inheriting a lyricsDownloader class
[edit] Which data should be provided?
A MaeLyrica plug-in is just a class containing these functions and variables:
virtual std::string toProviderCode(string artist, string track) const; virtual bool parse();
The following function can be provided too:
virtual short perform(string a, string t); virtual CURLcode download(string a, string t);
[edit] Requirements for functions
[edit] toProviderCode
The toProviderCode function should return the URL as std::string, from which data should be downloaded. The default download function will follow any redirects.
[edit] parse
The parse function should save the plain text lyrics to variable
QString lyrics_qstr;
which is a member of lyricsDownloader
The non-parsed text downloaded by the default download function is available in a variable, a member of lyricsDownloader
std::ostringstream buff
- This page was last modified on 23 August 2012, at 08:09.
- This page has been accessed 1,661 times.