Maemo Qt Extra Libraries
Qt 4.6 for Fremantle, included in PR1.2, includes the same functionality without the need for additional libraries. The extra libraries described below are obsolete. |
Maemo Qt Extra Libraries are extensions to the community supported Qt (version 4.5) available for Maemo5 aka Fremantle. The libraries provide easier access to Fremantle specific functionality for Maemo Qt application developers. The libraries functionality include for example screen orientation changing and displaying Hildon notifications.
Contents |
[edit] Installing Qt Extra Libs
The libraries are currently available from extras-devel. Libraries can be installed using apt-get. Note that on the device you have to have root shell enabled.
[edit] Installation to Scratchbox
Install libraries and development headers by running
fakeroot apt-get install qhildon-notifications qhildon-widgetcapabilities qhildon-systemcapabilities qmaemo-ext-libs-dev
[edit] Installation to N900
To install the libraries you have to have root shell enabled in the device. Access root shell and run
apt-get install qhildon-notifications qhildon-systemcapabilities qhildon-widgetcapabilities
Metapackages for installing all the libraries with single install will be available soon.
[edit] Minimal API documentation
Please note that all the classes are inside Maemo namespace.
QOrientationCapability QOrientationCapability(QWidget* parent, bool automaticOrientationUpdate = false) set application window as the parent. Usually derived from QMainWindow set the second parameter to true, if you want the orientation change when you physically turn the device. Otherwise you can leave out the second parameter. void setOrientation(QOrientation orientation); Set screen orientation to QOrientation Use value Maemo::Landscape or Maemo::Portrait void setListeningForOrientationChanges(bool enabled) Set automatic orientation changing on/off void orientationChanged(QOrientation orientation) This signal is emitted when orientation changes.
QOrientationCapability QNotifications(QObject *parent = 0) Constructor void showBanner(const QString &text) Shows Hildon banner with text void showSystemNote(const QString &text) Shows system note with text.
QOrientationInfo static QOrientationInfo *instance() Get pointer to the QOrientation object Usage: QOrientationInfo::instance() void startListening() void stopListening() Start/Stop listening to device orientation void orientationChanged(qreal pitch, qreal roll) Connect to this signal to get the devices pitch and roll
[edit] Example application
Not yet available.
[edit] Sources
The libaries are released under GNU LGPL and the source code is available from [1]
git clone git://
- This page was last modified on 4 March 2011, at 14:05.
- This page has been accessed 13,293 times.