N900 GPS Reverse Engineering
acquire packets like:
strace -p $(pidof location-daemon) -e read=6 2>&1|grep '| 000'
alternatively you can capture them from the network interface, but this will include other modem information:
tcpdump -i phonet0 -s 0 -w phonet.cap
Contents |
[edit] Packet Graph
| 00000 00 92 01 00 00 00 00 xx 05 00 00 00 09 03 00 10 S------------------- T4 DL S------------------- | 00010 07 da 07 15 00 xx xx 00 xx xx 00 00 09 02 00 1c S------------- TL TS -- S---------------- | 00020 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 xx xx 00 00 08 8b DL--- DL--- TS S---- S---- ^eph^ | 00030 xx 00 xx xx xx xx xx xx 09 04 00 14 62 7e xx xx S- DL TS--- DL MS S---------- track SS--- | 00040 xx xx 00 xx xx xx 00 xx 00 xx 00 00 09 05 00 74 DL--- S- TL S- DS S- DS S------------- DL | 00050 09 00 00 00 00 02 xx xx 00 xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 DL S---------- T4--- MS S- TS--- I TS MI S---- | 00060 00 04 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 00 xx xx xx S- T4 T3 TS S- TL TS MS TS MD S------- T4 TS--- | 00070 00 xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 00 xx xx xx 00 03 xx xx S- TS--- I TS MS S-------- T3 MS MS S- DL TS MS | 00080 xx xx 00 00 00 xx xx xx 00 xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 TS MD S------- T3 TS MS S- TS--- MS TS MI S---- | 00090 00 xx xx xx 00 03 xx xx xx xx 00 00 00 xx xx xx S- TS------ S- DL TS MD TS MS S------- TS SS+TS | 000a0 00 xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 00 xx xx xx 00 xx xx xx S- TL TS MS TS MD S-------- TS------ S- TL TS MI | 000b0 xx xx 00 00 00 xx xx xx 00 xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 TS--- S------- TS--- MS S- TS--- MI TS MS S---- | 000c0 09 08 00 0c xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx DL----------------------------------
B9 BE 67 48 2D 08 AC 08 CC AF 0A EC 49 B5 C8 08 A8 0C 49 49 95 75 4C E8 8C 84 6B 8E EC 29 78 10 10 44 00 18 EF 8E EC 48 91 10 04 EA 18 EA 8E 8C A7 11 FE
[edit] Key
- S = Static, unchanging normally
- MS = Mostly static, varying in value normally slightly
- SS = Sometimes static, completely different values sometimes
- I = Incrementing
- MI = Incrementing, but not every packet
- D = Decrementing
- MD = Decrementing, but not every packet
- TS = Time-sensitive; changes over (short) durations of time
- TL = Time-sensitive, longer duration
- T3 = "
- T4 = ", overnight
- DS = Distance-sensitive; changes over at least 30m distance
- DL = Distance-sensitive, like across the world
[edit] Packet Analysis
- ??? = mode: The mode of the fix
- ??? = fields: A bitfield representing which items of this tuple contain valid data
- 00 = ISI sequence ID (seems to be always 0 for GPS)
- 01 = GPS Data Opcode (0x92)
- 10,11 = time year
- 12 = time month
- 13 = time day
- 15 = time hour
- 16 = time minute
- 18,19 = time seconds and milliseconds (in milliseconds)
- 1a,1b = *probably* ept: Time accuracy, but *always* 0, so no way to verify
- 20,21,22,23 = latitude / 360 * 256*256*256*256
- 24,25,26,27 = longitude / 360 * 256*256*256*256
- 28 =
- 2b,2c = 0590-12a9 (hex)
- 2e,2f = eph (cm)
- 30 =
- 32,33,,36,37 = altitude; ((p32;33) - (p36;37)) / 2 = meters
- (34?,)35 = (double epv: Vertical position accuracy) * 2
- 3c,3d = track: Direction of motion in hundredths of a degree
- 3e,3f = epd: Track accuracy (in hundredths?)
- 42,43 = speed, in centimetres per second
- 44,45 = eps: speed accuracy, in centimetres per second
- 46,47 = climb: Current rate of climb in cm/s
- 48,4a = epc: Climb accuracy, in cm/s
[edit] Protocol Details
NOTE: I am counting octets based on zero.
The actual packets are comprised of "sub-packets". The overall packet has a 12 byte header. The number of sub-packets is located at octet 8 (and possibly little-endian extended to octet 11).
Each subpacket has a 4 byte header:
- Octet 0 is always 9
- Octet 1 is the subpacket type
- Octet 2 is always 0
- Octet 3 is the length of the subpacket (which includes the subpacket header itself)
Subpacket 2 contains position information:
- Octets 0-3 are the latitude
- Octets 4-7 are the longitude
- Octets 12-15 are "eph" (in centimetres)
- Octets 18-23 are the altitude (and accuracy information)
Subpacket 3 contains date and time information:
- Octets 0-1 are the year
- Octet 2 is the month
- Octet 3 is the day of month
- Octet 5 is the hour
- Octet 6 is the minute
- Octets 8-9 are milliseconds (including seconds)
- Octets 10-11 are the time accuracy
Subpacket 4 contains information on track, speed, and climb:
- Octets 0-1 are track (direction of motion) in cm/sec
- Octets 2-3 are the track accuracy
- Octets 6-7 are the speed in cm/sec
- Octets 8-9 are speed accuracy
- Octets 8-11 are climb in cm/sec
- Octets 12-13 are climb accuracy
Subpacket 5 contains satellite information:
- Octet 0 is the number of sats visible
- Beginning with octet 8, there are series of 12-octet info for each sat visible:
- Octet 1 is the PRN
- Octet 2 is 1 if the sat is being used, and 0 otherwise
- Octets 3-4 are the signal strength
- Octets 6-7 are the elevation
- Octets 8-9 are the azimuth
Subpacket 7 contains information on the GSM cellular network:
- Octets 0-1 contain the Mobile Country Code
- Octets 2-3 contain the Mobile Network Code
- Octets 4-5 contain the Location Area Code
- Octets 6-7 contain the Cell ID
Subpacket 8 contains information on the WCDMA cellular network:
- Octets 0-1 contain the Mobile Country Code
- Octets 2-3 contain the Mobile Network Code
- Octets 4-7 contain the UC ID
[edit] Wireshark
Sebastian Reichel writes a lowlevel library to access the N900's modem features and a wireshark plugin to analyze the packages. The information from above is currently only included in the Wireshark Plugin:
Luke Dashjr wrote small program in C which show GPS data from phonet modem stack.
- This page was last modified on 28 February 2025, at 19:08.
- This page has been accessed 37,711 times.