OpenSuse Build Service/MeeGo Setup
[edit] MeeGo
In general the community OBS should map to the release OBS.
The release OBS projects are:
- MeeGo:1.0
- MeeGo:1.0:Core
- MeeGo:1.0:Core:Update
- MeeGo:1.0:Core:Update:Testing
- MeeGo:1.0:Extra
- MeeGo:1.0:Extra:Update
- MeeGo:1.0:Extra:Update:Testing
- MeeGo:1.0:Handset
- MeeGo:1.0:IVI
- MeeGo:1.0:IVI:Update
- MeeGo:1.0:IVI:Update:Testing
- MeeGo:1.0:Netbook
- MeeGo:1.0:Netbook:Update
- MeeGo:1.0:Netbook:Update:Testing
- MeeGo:1.0:Staging
- MeeGo:1.0:non-oss
- MeeGo:1.0:non-oss:Update
- MeeGo:1.0:non-oss:Update:Testing
We will assume that there are no naming conflicts and consolidate these into the following build targets:
- MeeGo_1.0
- MeeGo_1.0_Update
- MeeGo_1.0_Update_Testing (? do we need this)
and then provide a corresponding virtual target that always points to the current weekly snapshot:
- MeeGo_Current
and 2 named snapshots for previous releases:
- MeeGo_1.
[edit] MeeGo:1.0:Core
# Specify the OBS we're working on API= # Get the binaries mkdir -p /backend_storage/MeeGo/1.0/ia32 cd /backend_storage/MeeGo/1.0/ia32 wget -e robots=off --accept \*.rpm --mirror --no-parent --progress=dot \ --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=7 -nv \ # Prepare for the :full dir for the OBS OBS=/backend_storage/obs/meego1.0 mkdir -p $OBS/i586_full REPO=/backend_storage/MeeGo/1.0/ia32/ cd $OBS find $REPO -name *.rpm | xargs -I@ ln @ i586_full # Not done (11 Jun) OBS=/backend_storage/obs/meego1.0 mkdir -p $OBS/armel_full REPO=/backend_storage/MeeGo/1.0/armv7l cd $OBS find $REPO -name *rpm | xargs -I@ ln @ armel_full # On an OBS client osc -A $API meta prj MeeGo:1.0:Core -F - <<XML <project name="MeeGo:1.0:Core"> <title>MeeGo 1.0</title> <description> MeeGo from </description> <person role="maintainer" userid="Admin"/> <person role="bugowner" userid="Admin"/> <build> <enable/> </build> <publish> <disable/> </publish> <debuginfo> <disable/> </debuginfo> <repository name="standard"> <arch>armv7el</arch> <arch>i586</arch> </repository> </project> XML # Back on OBS server # Copy the binaries into the new project cd /srv/obs/build/MeeGo\:1.0\:Core/standard/ mkdir -p i586 armv7el ln -s $OBS/i586_full i586/:full ln -s $OBS/armel_full armv7el/:full /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository MeeGo:1.0:Core standard i586 /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository MeeGo:1.0:Core standard armv7el chown -R obsrun:obsrun /srv/obs/build/MeeGo:1.0:Core
Since this project is a target it needs a prjconf
[edit] MeeGo Current
On the be we must have done:
ln -s /backend_storage/obs/meego/current/armv7l_full/ /srv/obs/build/MeeGo:current/standard/armv7el/:full ln -s /backend_storage/obs/meego/current/ia64_full/ /srv/obs/build/MeeGo:current/standard/ia64/:full
build= BASE=/backend_storage/obs/meego DL=$BASE/${build}/ PRJ=$BASE/current # download FROM="" FROMDIR="/meego/builds/1.0.90/${build}/" mkdir -p $DL cd $DL LFTPCOMMAND="mirror --parallel=2 -c -i .rpm -x /images/ -x /debug/ $FROMDIR ." lftp -c "open -e '$LFTPCOMMAND' $FROM" mkdir -p $BASE/delete_me mv $BASE/w-2 $BASE/delete_me # rm -rf delete_me & mv $BASE/w-1 $BASE/w-2 mv $BASE/current $BASE/w-1 mkdir -p $BASE/current/armv5l_full mkdir -p $BASE/current/armv7l_full mkdir -p $BASE/current/i586_full find $BASE/${build}/core/repos/ia32/ -name *rpm | xargs -I@ ln @ $BASE/current/i586_full find $BASE/${build}/core/repos/armv5tel/ -name *rpm | xargs -I@ ln @ $BASE/current/armv5l_full find $BASE/${build}/core/repos/armv7l/ -name *rpm | xargs -I@ ln @ $BASE/current/armv7l_full chown -R obsrun:obsrun $BASE/current/
Now on the be:
/usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository MeeGo:current standard i586 /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository MeeGo:current standard armv5el /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository MeeGo:current standard armv7el
- This page was last modified on 30 September 2010, at 19:54.
- This page has been accessed 9,790 times.