Hi, I'm Dave Neary, the docsmaster. That means I'm at the service of the community. My role is to help improve existing documentation, facilitate the community in situations where they need help getting infrastructure or information, and in general make myself useful.
Here I host some drafts for content which will go "live" later.
[edit] Documenting
A list of community processes that need better documentation:
- How does the live website get updated from maemo2midgard SVN?
- Where does the information for the user profile page come from in the Midgard database?
- Which pages in have custom templates associated, and where are they in maemo2midgard SVN?
- In general, what is the process for publishing/displaying a Midgard page?
- Autobuilder documentation
- extras-testing infrastructure documentation
- Web configuration (which directories can be touched, which cannot, and why)
- Servers and services, logins and roles
[edit] "Edit help" extension
I created a very simple extension for Mediawiki to allow us to add a "help getting started in the wiki" text at the top of every editing page. Here are the instructions for installing it:
1. Add the following line to LocalSettings.php:
2. Put the following in a file in mediawiki's extensions directory, in a file called EditHelp.php (we use the page hook editFormTextTop to insert the text into the page):
<?php if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die (); $wgHooks['EditPage::showEditForm:initial'][] = 'editHelp'; function editHelp($editPage) { global $wgOut; $editPage->editFormTextTop .= $wgOut->parse( '{{Edit help}}' ); return true; }
3. Put the editing help instructions in a template called Template:Edit help
- This page was last modified on 19 February 2017, at 20:33.
- This page has been accessed 45,070 times.