The toggle FAQ
Battery monitor via bme n8x0
Thanks to qwerty12 for all the help
sudo echo "deb /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mer-n8x0-devel.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hald-addon-bme advanced-power-monitor advanced-power
old instructions (use the above) wget sudo dpkg -i hald-addon-bme_0.1-1_armel.deb sudo apt-get install advanced-power-monitor advanced-power
There is an issue right now with python/advanced-power-monitor, you need to do the following
cd /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages sudo ln -sf ../site-packages/hildondesktop.* .
Start the advanced-power applet
Status Bar
Advanced Power
Ok and reboot and you should see your battery info.
If you experience problems installing advanced power or monitor (< 0.14 or you upgrade) you may need to do this:
sudo echo "deb ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/temp_updates.list
Battery monitor via bme smartq
(currently broken)
Thanks to zenvoid and qwerty12 for all the help
(as of 0.14 you need to upgrade to Devel)
As root
cd wget dpkg -i hald-addon-smartq_0.02_armel.deb apt-get install advanced-power wget cd / tar -zxf /root/AdvancedPowerMonitor.tgz
Enable advanced power as above and reboot.
This is currently broken and I would appreciate some help from anyone who has python experience that could help me debug the applet as it's not starting yet.
Remove onscreen keyboard on n810
12:33 < rhuskjr> That reminds me for the n810 is there a way to disable the onscreen keyboard 12:34 < Stskeeps> yeah, removing hildon-input-method from /usr/bin/start-hildon but we're working on a better way.
Debian armel virtual machine for development
- This page was last modified on 29 June 2009, at 16:42.
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