Who is doing what

There have been lots of things going on for Maemo and related projects, especially now that support for Maemo 5 has been coming to an end. Considering recent news (eg. EOL announced for Hildon-Desktop by Nokia and such), this is not surprising at all.


The purpose of this page is to keep track of who is doing what. That is with regards of Maemo (or perhaps MeeGo) and related open source projects.


The objective of this page is to encourage collaboration and prevent people from creating a conflictiong set of patches or starting to work on the same issues. (So, we'd like to keep you from "reinventing the wheel" all over again.)

The table

If you start a project that you think may be sought after by others, fill in the below table with your name and some information about what you're doing.

Thus, when someone is interested in doing the same, he doesn't have to start from scratch but can cooperate with you. This holds obvious benefits for developers and end users, too.

Project People Description Link
Hildon-Extras Andrew Olmsted (Fiferboy)

Cornelius Hald (Conny)
Faheem Pervez (qwerty12)
Thomas Perl (thp)
Timur Kristóf (Venemo)
Gabriel Schulhof (Nix_nix)

A set of community-contributed Hildon/Gtk widgets and dialogs that provide application developers with the means to create usable and well-balanced user interfaces. Hildon-Extras

You can also change the style or appearance of the table (such as column widths) if it doesn't fit your content well.