By using these testing images, you're morally obligated to test them and to edit this page and report -every single bug you find-, no matter if they're theme flaws, quirks, bugs or crashes. You can optionally also use bugzilla , use version 0.15.
Please send the bug report urls to mer-chatter (see Mer/Awareness ) as well and share your bugs, testing experiences.
Test master is Meizirkki, and can be found in #mer on usually and you can ask him if there's some specialized areas that need testing. Take the "Completed" things first. If you are testing, go to #mer anyway. Good place to be.
These images will not be the only ones this week. In N8x0 installer, when it asks for URL=, write URL=http://the.image.intended. Instructions on Mer/Documentation/Installation still apply.
These images may potentially turn your device into a insane machine bent on removing humanity from this earth and may potentially brick your device, so, NO WARRANTY.
Mer N8x0 kernel, not for JFFS version
Mer N8x0, JFFS version, use with JFFS kernel
For use with QEMU & KVM, download the Mer X86 VMDK version, unzip, and convert to a qcow2 image with the qemu-img convert command.
MD5sums: 2449be016e035ff6524444c81a0d83a8 mer-armel-770-image-v0.16testing2.tar.gz afa571d89aaf328be68c3e0b8d94b436 mer-armel-n8x0-flashrootfs-v0.16testing2.zImage 601831bfadb67464daa6b0866dcf312e mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.16testing2.jffs2 0b3dd8a5d9adc68f2b5b49e7a9f23f7f mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.16testing2.jffs2.raw cc64f1488e64a0655f5660c70c805988 mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.16testing2.tar.gz 8c5396913f7879c681e8f9080e4c2d0e mer-armel-n8x0-standard-v0.16testing2.zImage 160a33d7ccc681a8cb47499fb202b736 mer-x86-generic-image-v0.16testing2.tar.gz 8f2a312a25f0068d8ea9cb8399dc29de 7ea7b9c16084ce7ff05157e7b90bdd17 mer-armel-smartq5-image-v0.16testing2.SmartQ5 8e535f2858b0f9c7712fc95fb86b1339 mer-armel-smartq5-rootfs-v0.16testing2.tar.gz 0b39bf944b12a3e1b0398350a8a5327f mer-armel-smartq7-image-v0.16testing2.SmartQ7 17a411f2107d65bf86549a20dd5cafff mer-armel-smartq7-rootfs-v0.16testing2.tar.gz
Bugs in 0.16testing2
Please test bugs in and see if they still persist. Otherwise add them below:
- [Nokia n810] Fn not working in first-boot-wizard
- [Nokia n800] Could not pass first-boot-wizard "Type your full name" (don´t have a usb keyboard to test with it/screen keyboard do not appear with stylus or with finger)
- [SmartQ7] As above, could not pass "Type your full name". No soft keyboard and usb keyboard did not work.
- This can be worked around by using USB networking and installing first-boot-wizard_0.8_armel.deb then doing a reboot
- [SmartQ5 & Q7] Wifi-enabler not working, lacking unzip. The file 47smartq-firmware misplaced and in DOS-format.
- Workaround: Copy contents of /etc/47smartq-firmware and make new file: /etc/first-boot.d/47smartq-firmware
- Don't forget to make read/executable (chmod a+rx /etc/first-boot.d/47smartq-firmware)
- Install unzip_5.52-12ubuntu1_armel.deb, reboot and presto - wizard runs.
- [SmartQ5 & Q7] Application manager doesn't work. Starts but nothing more.
PS.: at 3pm@GMT the trac above cited is offline