User:Stskeeps/Draft Mer Blueprint

The Mer platform is a Linux distribution for mobile devices based on the Maemo platform from Nokia. Mer goals include:

  • Improving and developing parts of Maemo that are of interest to the Maemo community.
  • Making it easier to port existing desktop applications by hildonizing and adjusting them to the tablet form factor.
  • Encouraging third party experimentation and development.
  • Supporting tablet hardware no longer receiving updated OS software by Nokia.
  • Making Maemo a generic platform for all tablet devices, including non-Nokia ones.
  • Focusing Maemo community efforts in platform-related areas

Mer platform development will be done in the open, with public SCM repository, bugtrackers, and Wiki-based blueprint discussion.

We should stop seeing the tablets as strictly under-powered embedded systems, and see them for what they really are: powerful, power-efficient, economical handheld computers.

Historically, the Mer platform came from a discussion on reconstructing Maemo and a desire to make a proof of concept system of the thoughts in this proposal (M-R PoC), which developed into Mer after realization that it was a viable direction of development.


Sprint January 2008 and before: Basic installable image

The purpose of this milestone:

  • To provide a basic installable image, both through installer and through flashing, for N8x0 tablets.
  • The image must include a basic user interface and ability to connect to Wi-Fi networks.
  • To provide a installer and image for 770 tablets.
  • To provide initial developer tools so we can start developing for the tablets
  • Prepare for next milestone in terms of collaborative
Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed
Committed Task Owner  % Highlights
2008-08-12 Better organization of components: Sort out last unclear issues, come up with implementation plan Andre 70% Draft available at Talk:Task:Getting Nokia involved in, implementation planned for Saturday 6 of December