

Sprint 2 planning meeting

  • Organized in theFreenode #maemo-meeting IRC channel on 2008/07/01 at 18:00 UTC.
  • Last sprint status of tasks to be updated still in the old wiki.
  • Pre-planning discussion happening in the [mailing list]. Reporting about the last sprint tasks and proposal of new tasks to be done in advance in order to focus on the important things in the IRC meeting.

There will be an IRC review meeting if this sprint on 2008/07/22.

Old tasks

Only the owners of old tasks can carry them here.

Brought forward from February

Brought forward from May

Brought forward from June

New proposals

List here tasks you want and can drive, preferrably from the current backlog (see below) or related to the 100 Days Action Plan. If you want to suggest but not commit then use the discussion page to have your proposal considered in the sprint planning meeting.

If they are big try to split them in a first unit that can be done during this sprint and put the rest in the backlog. Make sure you sign your proposed task. Being active in the maemo-community mailing list and attending the sprint meeting will help you getting an official commitment to the task and also help/support from others.

Bugs in product Website

The bugs assigned in the last sprint meeting are marked as HIGH. The bugs proposed for the next sprint are marked as MEDIUM. Only product/component maintainers can change this status. Comment on a bug if you want to push it up. Check also those marked as EASYFIX.

What follows are the bugs that have special attention/progress.



  • #2035 Bugzilla users who are Nokia employees should be noted (((example)))
















  1. Start nagging developers on urgent issues (depends on the yet to create "Who's who" list). - Andre/Karsten
  2. Define maemo.org policies for things like editbugs, getting @maemo.org email addresses, and if it doesn't exist, getting svn access - Dave
  3. Proposal for http://maemo.org/community/
  4. Documenting better Nokia contributions to open source projects, complement of http://opensource.nokia.com
  5. Karma plugin for MediaWiki?.
  6. News archives improved.
  7. Karma for applications
  8. Porting developer.gnome.org to handle API documentation
  9. Start collecting product specific standard "need more info" questions to improve the feedback quality of the reports (before developers take a look) - Andre/Karsten
  10. (pending on previous issue) assign all open bugs to correct default assignees. there's a total of 1227 open bugs, 831 of them assigned to nobody@maemo.org. many reporters have the impression that nobody cares at all about their reports. -Andre/Karsten