Maemo-Italian Long Weekend

BIG FAT WARNING: this event is still vaporware

(please keep all tables sorted alphabetically / chronologically as applicable)

Maemo Italian Long Weekend (tentative name)

Date: either before Fosdem in Jan.2010 or afterwards (late Feb.2010 / March)

Discussion thread on t.m.o.

Interested in attending

Full name Username Coming from Main interest How sure?
Andrea Borgia aboaboit Castello d'Argile, Bologna, IT Dev training I'm the organiser :)
Andrea Carron hox Turin, IT 95%
Andrea Grandi andy80 Valencia, ES Open source / development 95% if it's after February
Aniello Del Sorbo anidel Twickenham, London, UK Open source / development 90%
Antonio Di Cello rafanto Platania (CZ) Calabria, IT
Claudio Mezzasalma lorthirk L'Aquila, IT Introductions to Maemo Dev & Community
Daniele Lacamera danielinux Bologna, IT 90%
Daniele Maio b0unc3 Milazzo (ME), Sicily, IT Open source / development 99%
Gianluca Varisco gvarisco Milano, IT
Manuele Cappelleri corVONero Rome, IT Forensic (< 2hrs from Rome) ? 100%
Marco Barisione barisione Cambridge, UK GTK, Telepathy IM/VoIP framework 30%
Massimiliano Goriup maxppc Trieste, IT Dev training Depends on location
Matteo Nerozzi matteone Castenaso, Bologna, IT Dev training
Mauro Foti skler Catania, IT
Michele Tameni netvandal Brescia, IT development 99% :) I'm trying to help
Radu Andries admiral0 ~Milano, IT Dev training Can help organising for Milano.
Rodrigo Linfati rlinfati Bologna, IT
Thomas Perl thp Vienna, AT Application development / UX 80% (Jan) / 90% (Feb/Mar)
Torello Querci mk8 Firenze, IT Dev training

Preferred location

City Venue / institution Suggested by Reason for suggesting
Bologna TBD aboaboit I can show you around ;)
Milano TBD Andrea Grandi well-connected
Firenze TBD Andrea Grandi no need to describe the city / contacts with local university
Salerno TBD anidel smaller place / well-connected / nice / contacts with local university
Padova TBD anidel smaller place
Pisa TBD anidel smaller place
Roma TBD andy80 well-connected
Catania TBD b0unc3 nice / well-connected
Venice TBD maxppc nice / well-connected

Preferred topics

Target audience Topic Language(s)
Newcomers Getting started with Maemo (Qt) TBD
Newcomers Introducing Maemo, the community and ways to help TBD
Newcomers Maemo Openness & Alternatives TBD
Developers / Translators Localisation Italian
Developers First step in Maemo development Italian
Developers UX English
Developers Integration workshop TBD
Harmattan - Maemo6 [PLEASE FIX: target is a group of people] PlayDRM Maemo and OVI [PLEASE FIX: language is italian, english or to-be-decided]
Law Enforcement Forensic analysis of maemo devices Italian/English
Developers Telepathy IM / VoIP framework TBD