ALARMED Commands List

The purpose of this article is to collect a list of Alarmed codes for beginners to use. The idea came from a talk.maemo org thread which contained the instructions for setting up an Internet radio alarm clock

They should be put in the following format:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Code

Which should be all the information we need.


[edit] List of Phone Control commands

A comprehensive list of commands for Phone Control that work as commands from Alarmed can be found in the phone control article.

[edit] Radio1 Alarm Clock

This code will make your phone startup the N900 stock media player and connect to Radio 1 (UK station) using your wi-fi (wi-fi is recommended for connection to be made). It is a good idea to set up a regular alarm clock for 5 mins after just in case there is an internet connection error ... wouldn't want you to be late for work.

dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/mediaplayer string: > /dev/null

[edit] Internet Radio Alarm Clock using KMPlayer

If you have KMPlayer installed, you may find it less prone to halting from buffering issues than the stock Media Player. Add this as a Command Execution string in Alarmed to play an internet radio stream's URL (in this case, the stream for WCLV):


[edit] Set Speaker Volume

You may want to set the speaker volume to a certain level before starting an internet radio station. 50 in the command below sets the volume level to 50%, replace 50 with whatever % volume is desired (0 - 99).

dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:volume variant:uint32:50

[edit] Play a sound file

This uses the play-sound command to play a sound file.

Important note: play-sound always plays a sound file at full volume, regardless of the volume set by command or by use of the volume rocker. Therefore it is essential when calling a file with play-sound to be sure the file is recorded at the volume that is desired for playback. Typical sound files will be at the level of 0 or -3 dB attenuation, which can blow speakers at full volume. If you call a sound file with play-sound, it's best to make a new copy of the file at much lower volume using sound editing software such as GoldWave (or audacity on Linux+Mac+Windows, or 'sox' on the command line for any of those systems with "-v <ratio>" option)

play-sound /path/filename.wav