Extras is the primary repository for Maemo applications where most community software can be found. You can browse the applications available in Extras at Maemo Downloads.
Contents |
[edit] Using Extras
The Extras repository is pre-configured on the N900 and listed as maemo.org and is enabled by default in PR1.1.
[edit] To enable Extras repository for pre-PR1.1, just open this link on your tablet.
Or you can enable it by hand:
Go into the Application manager. Tap the menu -> Tools -> Application catalog... Double-tap maemo Extras. Uncheck Disabled.
If you don't have maemo Extras among your catalogs, you can manually add it. The configuration below is for N900 up to firmware PR 1.1.1:
Application manager --> Application catalogs --> New Catalog name: maemo.org Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ Distribution: fremantle Components: free non-free
The configuration below is for N900 for firmware PR 1.2:
Application manager --> Application catalogs --> New Catalog name: maemo.org Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ Distribution: fremantle-1.2 Components: free non-free
The configuration below is for N900 for firmware PR 1.3:
Application manager --> Application catalogs --> New Catalog name: maemo.org Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ Distribution: fremantle-1.3 Components: free non-free
[edit] Diablo
- Open
with a text editor - Append the following line to that file:
deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ diablo free non-free
- Update your APT cache with:
apt-get update
[edit] About Extras
Extras is split into two areas:
- free applications are open source have been through the Maemo Extras vetting process
- non-free applications are usually closed, binary only and their quality and security must be taken on trust
Anyone interested in contributing to Extras should look at the Extras repository process definition.
Developers should also consult the extras policy for information on handling interactions with other distributions.
[edit] Extras-testing
The software hosted in extras-testing might not be ready for end users! Please don't play with it unless you really know what you are doing. See this post for a more user-specific discussion of the risks. There is also some tips at Installing unstable applications -article.
Extras-testing is a repository that holds applications waiting to be tested (that is, those that the maintainer believes are ready for public release). It is a place where power users can download the latest developer releases, test them out and evaluate them. User backups and predisposition to re-flash your device in case of trouble is assumed. All apps must go through Extras-testing and receive a minimum number of tester approval votes before they can be promoted to Extras.
[edit] Extras-devel
The software hosted in extras-devel is most likely not ready for end users! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't play with it unless you really know what you are doing.
Developers upload the newest version of their software to Extras-devel. From there the packages go through an automatic and human Quality Assurance process. This is a repository for developers and regular contributors of specific software projects. If you want to play with extras-devel software you need to be prepared to feel some pain sooner or later.
In theory, packages can be mass downgraded from extras-devel to extras but the exact procedure is TBD.
- This page was last modified on 24 May 2013, at 08:06.
- This page has been accessed 505,146 times.