Community SSU/Features/hildon-desktop
The current scope of this wiki is to provide information on editing all parameters in transistions.ini and the contains of usr/share/hildon-desktop
Information is still required on how some parameters effect the transitions. Notes for parameters are provided with each section.
Information regarding other features of hildon-desktop like gconf has been left in the Features and Features/Stable sections due to differences between Stable and Testing branches.
[edit] Community SSU Features of hildon-desktop
[edit] Transitions
This wiki covers manual editing of the transistions.ini file and requires knowledge of Terminal.
Please note if transitions.ini becomes corrupt, or you mess the file up, it may stop the desktop from loading correctly. Therefore a backup is recommended before editing.
For GUI editing of transitions please see CSSU Features Configuration and Theme Customizer applications.
[edit] Backing up transitions.ini
The transistions file is backed up upon installing CSSU. The location of all backups is the hildon-desktop folder.
Any program that edits this file will create a backup. Some of the contents may include.
/usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.precssu /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.default /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.dpkg-dist
Is it a good idea to create your own backup to refer to
While in the hildon-desktop directory:-
cp transition.ini transition.ini.mybackup
To restore your backup
While in the hildon-desktop directory:-
mv transition.ini.mybackup transition.ini
An alternative method is to use the CSSU Features Power key entry (if enabled). This will take you to the CSSU Features application and provide options for restoring transitions.ini
[edit] Editing transitions.ini
To enable the CSSU features you have to edit a file (I use leafpad, but any editor works). After any CSSU update you have to do redo the edit or restore the backed up file (read below).
Editing the file requires Root access.
The file to edit is transitions.ini
and is in:
So the command is:
leafpad /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini
Noted with older versions of theme-customizer
If you use a theme that has a custom transitions.ini file, it may override the one above, so check in
/opt/usr/share/themes/[name of the theme you're using]/transitions.ini
if changing the transitions.ini file in the above path doesn't work.
The CSSU tweaks have to be turned on at the end of the file one by one, where there is also a bit more documentation about them.
If you don't see an option there, you need to update the CSSU install (via the application manager). You can check which version you have using System, Settings, About Community SSU.
After an update to the CSSU, the old transitions are backed up in /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.old, so you can restore them easily. However, if there have been two or more updates since you last did this, the .old one wont contain your changes. There is a bug logged to improve this behaviour. You can restore this saved copy using
mv /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.old /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini
To apply the changes, see below.
[edit] Applying the changes to transitions.ini
Some of these changes (taskswitcher, zaxisrotation, forcerotation) apply as soon as you save the file, while others (blurless) require you to restart hildon-desktop. You can do so by turning the phone off and on again, or running as root:
killall hildon-desktop
This will kill the hildon-desktop process, and it will be automatically restarted with the changed settings loaded and applied. Be sure not to "killall hildon-desktop" too often in a row (like several times in one minute), or the system will restart (nothing dangerous, though - just an annoyance).
Running killall hildon-desktop is not recommended, since hildon-desktop it's possible that it not come back in a 100% clean state.
[edit] Contents
Default contents, values and usage of the transitions.ini file
Full plain text output of the stock CSSU file is here
[edit] Blur
[blur] turbo = 0 duration = 250
[edit] Task Nav
[task_nav] zoom = 0.85 zoom_for_home = 1.4 zoom_duration = 250 fly_duration = 250 notifade_in = 150 notifade_out = 150 tile_font = Nokia Sans 15
[edit] Home
[home] radius = 12 radius_more = 16 saturation = 0.8 brightness = 0.4 zoom = 0.93 zoom_applets = 0.85 zoom_on_press = 0 parallax = 1.3
[edit] Zoom effect
Zoom press just does a quick little zoom out and back in again with you touch certain things, such as an icon on the home screen or the main top menu in applications.
[home] zoom_on_press = 0
[edit] Home screen parallax amount
parallax is when you scroll across desktops and the icons scroll faster than the background, making the icons appear closer. a larger number in the transition.ini file for parallax and the faster the icons will move.
[home] parallax = 1.3
[edit] Launcher
Note these come default as commented out. Uncomment for faster panning on launcher page.
[launcher] #deceleration_rate = 0.97 #strong_deceleration_rate = 0.7
[edit] Launcher Glow
[launcher_glow] duration_in = 100 duration_out = 200 radius = 10 brightness = 0.75
[edit] Launcher In
[launcher_in] duration = 250 sequenced = 0 depth = 225 keyframes = 0, 0.17, 0.39, 0.65, 0.87, 1.13, 1.26, 1.22, 1.17, 1.13, 1.09, 1.04, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 keyframes_icon=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 keyframes_label=0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1
[edit] Launcher Out
[launcher_out] duration = 250 depth = 150
[edit] Launcher Out Back
[launcher_out_back] duration = 250 depth = 150
[edit] Launcher Launch
[launcher_launch] duration = 400 delay = 500 duration_out = 700 depth = 100
[edit] Launcher in Sub
[launcher_in_sub] duration = 250 sequenced = 0 depth = 200 keyframes = 0, 0.17, 0.39, 0.65, 0.87, 1.13, 1.26, 1.22, 1.17, 1.13, 1.09, 1.04, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 keyframes_icon=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 keyframes_label=0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1
[edit] Launcher Out Sub
[launcher_out_sub] duration = 250 depth = 150
[edit] Launcher Back
[launcher_back] duration = 250 depth = 150
[edit] Launcher Forward
[launcher_forward] duration = 200 depth = 100
[edit] Rotate
[rotate] duration_in = 200 duration_out = 200 damage_timeout = 0 damage_timeout_plus = 0 damage_timeout_max = 0 angle = 45
[edit] Screen rotation transition usage
- duration_in = time for rotation before blanking
- duration_out = time for rotation after blanking
- damage_timeout = in the rotation transition, the amount of milliseconds to leave after we get a damage event before we transition back
from blanking.
- damage_timeout_max = maximum amount of time we may wait if we keep getting
damage events.
- angle = rotation angle for each transition, in degrees. Ideally this is set so that the screen looks like it keeps turning at the same speed
during blanking. 0 is none, 90 degrees is side-on
[edit] App Close
[app_close] duration = 450
[edit] Popup
[popup] duration_in = 250 duration_out = 250
[edit] Fade
[fade] duration_in = 200 duration_out = 500 banner_note_alpha = 0.85 info_note_alpha = 0.85
[edit] Notification
[notification] is_cool = 0 duration_in = 400 duration_out = 450
[edit] Subview
[subview] duration_in = 250 duration_out = 250
[edit] Loading Timeout
[loading_timeout] load_average_factor = 7.5
[edit] Load average factor
This value is multiplied by the load average to find the timeout in seconds before "Unable to load" is displayed.
[edit] Edit Mode
[edit_mode] snap_grid_size = 4 snap_to_grid_while_move = 1
[edit] Size of spaces between grid snaps
[edit_mode] snap_grid_size = 4
[edit] Snap to Grid While Move
Set to 0 if snap to grid should be only happen when widget is released
[edit_mode] snap_grid_while_move = 1
[edit] thp_tweaks
Most features go under the [thp_tweaks] section present in transitions.ini at the bottom of the file after a CSSU update. However, if you use your own transitions.ini files (for example from MaeModder), this section will not be present and you must add it.
Entries under other sections have this indicated. Add them at the end of that section instead.
[edit] Blurless
If you want to enable a blurless effect for the background when switching apps (Off = 0 - On = 1)
blurless = 0
[edit] Blurless Saturation
If you want to enable a blurless saturation effect (Off = 0 - On = 1)
blurless_saturation = 0
[edit] Task Switcher Layout
For the task switcher layout you can choose 1, 2 columns or the default (Default = 0, Single Column = 1 and Double Column = 2)
taskswitcher = 0
More details and some demo videos of these features are here :
[edit] Rotation Effect
For the alternative rotation effect, spin in place rather than flip. (X/Y Flip = 0 and Z Spin = 1)
zaxisrotation = 0
[edit] Forced Rotation
The point of forcerotation is to make it easier to identify the apps which are:
- Closed source but work well. A "white-list" will be developed and included in a future CSSU so that these rotate out-of-the-box.
- Open source but work well. These will have the appropriate flags added to their source in the git repos.
- Open source but nearly work. These will have the appropriate flags and changes added to their source in the git repos.
You can force all apps to rotate (Auto = 0 and Forced = 1)
forcerotation = 0
This isn't likely to work well for all applications - and never will. The point of forced rotation is to make it easier to identify the apps which are:
- Closed source but work well. A "white-list" will be developed and included in a future CSSU so that these rotate out-of-the-box.
- Open source but work well. These will have the appropriate flags added to their source in the git repos.
- Open source but nearly work. These will have the appropriate flags and changes added to their source in the git repos.
Therefore, unless an app falls into one of the above categories, please do not raise bugs in the CSSU.
[edit] Tactile Pop-ups
If you want to enable tactile pop-ups (Off = 0 - On = 1) An additional package is required to use this feature. "tactile" located in the repos.
tactilepopups = 0
[edit] Blacklist/Whitelist
These are features provided in Community SSU, that allows individiual applications to be blocked/allowed from rotating.
Currently the only way to edit this is manually via a text editor from Terminal, unlike many of the features above.
Blacklisting should be used to block an individual application from rotating when using forcedrotation (see above)
Whitelisting should be used to allow an individual application to auto-rotate. This is the recommended way to allow auto-rotating of applications in CSSU.
Note:- "X-CSSU-Force-Landscape=true" can used in an applications .desktop file by the developer. If this is used then the application will ignore forcedrotation automatically. This means it cannot be and/or wasn't designed for portrait support, or tested using the forcedrotation devtool.
[edit] Editing the Blacklist
In the default transistions.ini an example is provided. To add an application to the list use the following format
blacklist= appname1 appname2
[edit] Editing the Whitelist
In the default transistions.ini an example is provided. To add an application to the list use the following format
whitelist= appname1 appname2
[edit] Thumbnails desaturation in tasknav
This option is actually found in between the whitelist and blacklist options.
thumb_desaturation = 0
[edit] Application Names for Whitelist/Blacklist
A list of application names are provided below to make it easier to add applications to the blacklist/whitelist lists.
Application Package Name | Application Name |
mediaplayer | The stock media player |
osso-xterm | xTerminal |
image-viewer | Image viewer |
camera-ui | Camera |
Calendar | Calendar |
nokia-maps | Nokia Maps |
osso_calculator | Calculator |
osso-browser | MicroB Stock Browser |
conky | Conky |
qtlockscreen | Qt Lockscreen by sakya |
someplayer | SomePlayer |
worldclock | Clock |
controlpanel | Settings |
rtcom-call-ui | Phone |
active-desktop-sp | |
advanced-clock-plugin | |
AlmostTI | |
angrybirds | |
angrybirds-levelpack1 | |
angrybirds-levelpack2 | |
angrybirds-levelpack3 | |
angrybirds-levelpack4 | |
apmefo | |
applock | |
autodisconnect | |
bounce | |
Bless900 | |
cal-home-widget | |
callerx | |
callerxui | |
cell-modem-ui | |
cfmradio | |
chaosandmayhem | |
clean900 | |
com-ea-app-monopoly | |
com-ea-app-sims | |
com-gameloft-app-asphalt5 | |
com-gameloft-app-blades | |
com-gameloft-app-driver | |
com-gameloft-app-hawx | |
com-gameloft-app-nova | |
com-gameloft-app-realsoccer2010 | |
com-gameloft-app-xletsgolf | |
com-glu-app-clockwork | |
com-glu-app-ghero5 | |
community-ssu-enabler | |
conky-n900 | Conky.. |
conkylayoutswitcher | |
connectnow-home-widget | |
cpumem-applet | |
cssufeatures | |
custom-operator-name-widget | |
decoders-support | |
diskusage | |
docstogo | |
drnoksnes | SNES Emulator |
es-no2-basketmania | |
evopedia | |
extcalllog | |
fapman | |
fillmore | |
flashlight-applet | |
flashlight-extra-gtk | |
fm-boost | |
friendlyfm | |
guitar-chords | |
harmattan-icons-pack | |
headphoned | |
hostmode-gui | |
kernel-power-flasher | |
kernel-power-settings | |
kmplayer | KMPlayer |
leafpad | |
led-pattern-editor | |
libqtm-bearer | |
libqtm-contacts | |
libqtm-location | |
libqtm-messaging | |
libqtm-multimedia | |
libqtm-publishsubscribe | |
libqtm-sensors | |
libqtm-serviceframework | |
libqtm-systeminfo | |
libqtm-versit | |
lowbatled | |
livewp | Non rotating Live Wallpaper |
mc | Midnight Commander |
maemoblocks | |
osso-chess-ui | |
osso-mahjong | |
osso-lmarbles | |
gnuchess | |
mp-fremantle-community-pr | |
n900-fmrx-enabler | |
neverball | |
neverputt | |
nhouse | |
njurassic | |
offscr-discs | |
offscr-fifteen | |
ogg-support | |
openssh | |
openssh-client | |
openssh-server | |
opera-mobile | |
personal-ip-address | |
picodrive | SEGA Mega Drive Emulator |
preenv | Preenv (Need to be tested) |
qcpufreq | QCPUFrequency |
qtquickcompat | |
queen-beecon | |
quick-launch | |
quickpanorama-pro | |
recorder | |
rootsh | |
simple-brightness-applet | |
spbbrainevolution | |
spin | |
stellarium-mobile | |
tangram | |
tar-gnu | |
theme-customizer | |
timedsilencer | |
ttf-droid | |
tutorial-home-applet | |
vgb | GBC Emulator |
vgba | GBA Emulator |
worldtv99 | |
zenbound |
- This page was last modified on 18 March 2013, at 17:52.
- This page has been accessed 39,549 times.