Desktop Search Hackfest/XesamOntology
[edit] Desktop Search Hackfest Entry
[edit] Xesam Ontology Workshop
This page collects all relevant info for the Xesam Ontology BOF and workshop to be held on the Desktop Search Hackfest 2008.
[edit] Ontology Program
Ideally the ontology workshop should consist of three things, preferably held in succession:
- A (very) short architectural intro by Evgeny. Why does it look the way it look? What is good what is bad. What needs work?
- A BOF for discussing any relevant issues surrounding the onto. Especially concerning points we need to address before closing it for 1.0
- Preferably Evgeny would lead this
- A hack-session with the single purpose of 100% doc coverage of the ontology. Proper documentation mind you. "File-like object" for xesam:Filelike is simply not good enough.
- I imagine a session with a handful people and Evgeny sitting without a computer at the table end. The minions just hack away and constantly bombard Evgeny-the-oracle with questions.
- This page was last modified on 30 October 2008, at 18:06.
- This page has been accessed 9,554 times.