Fremantle Stars/gPodder
This article is out-of-date, and needs to be updated. Please see the talk page for discussion. |
The current version is 0.16.1-10frmntl0 (2009-08-26) in Fremantle Extras-Devel.
Screenshots as of 2009-06-16 can be found here and here.
Contents |
[edit] Fixed problems/ChangeLog
- 0.16.1-10frmntl0: Add support for direct subscriptions from the browser using feedhandler
- 0.16.1-9fremantleui: Shorten application name to "gPodder" in application list to avoid it being cropped to "gPodder Podcas" ([1])
- 0.16.1-8fremantleui: Downloads are now stored in $HOME ([])
- 0.16.1-7fremantleui: The AppMenu is now shown in beta2 and (hopefully) on devices
- 0.16.1-6fremantleui: Welcome window now works again
- 0.16.1-5fremantleui: Several UI bugs/annoyances (Maemo bugs 4686, 4687, 4688 and 4689)
- 0.16.1-4fremantleui: Don't use "I" while writing messages from software (bug 4684)
- 0.16.1-3fremantleui: Installation fails on postinst[2]
[edit] Already Working (List of things to test)
- Welcome screen at first start / when subscription list empty
- Find new podcasts - with podcast directory + YouTube search
- Login to and download subscription list
- App menu in main window
- Check for new episodes (update feeds; show progress in titlebar; offer new episodes)
- Downloads (opens the download status list; shows status as gray text)
- Add new podcast (subscribe to a podcast by entering/pasting the feed URL)
- Unsubscribe (remove the subscription and downloads of the selected podcast)
- Preferences (Set up audio and media player)
- About gPodder (About dialog.. nothing more)
- Podcast directory (OPML from web; suggested podcasts; top podcasts; YouTube subscriptions)
- Main window UI
- Left pane lists podcasts, right pane lists episodes in selected podcast
- Clicking on an episode opens its shownotes in a new stackable window
- Episode shownotes UI
- Has image of podcast, title of episode + podcast, shownotes
- Appmenu has: Play/Stream; Download/Cancel/Delete; Pause/Resume; Do not download/Mark as new; Open website (does this work with the browser??)
- Download status UI
- List of current downloads (queued, downloading, finished, paused, cancelled, failed)
- Clicking on an item opens the shownotes window
- Appmenu has: Pause all; Resume all; Cancel all; Clean up list (removes all with status: cancelled, finished, failed)
Advanced features:
- Close gPodder while downloads are running; on next startup, it asks you to resume the downloads
[edit] Known problems
- Main window uses GtkPaned [3]
- Podcast directory dialog uses GtkNotebook [4] -- bug 4690 has a solution; still needs implementation
[edit] Planned/Ideas
- Integration with MAFW (downloaded episodes as MafwSource/MafwPlaylist?) -- depends on bug 4675
- Automatic updating in the background (depending on cellular/wlan connection?)
- Tablet-related content (Tablet School video podcast?) -- needs content publishers to provide their content as video podcast
[edit] Need Help
- Playback + Streaming (How to interface with the Media Player in Maemo 5?)
- Better podcast directory - please suggest feeds[5]
- HTML shownotes - is there a "good" HTML widget for PyMaemo?
- UI feedback
- This page was last modified on 30 May 2017, at 16:32.
- This page has been accessed 19,222 times.