Fremantle closed packages/libdevlock-bin


Closed source package libdevlock-bin

Description: functions for validating and changing the lock code -- binaries
 libdevlock provides an API that allows validating and changing the device
 lock code stored in CAL.

Default installed version

Installed: 1.0.9+0m5

Provides one file:


One package depending on this:


And seems it is really using this:

strings /usr/lib/ | grep devlocktool

Command line tool, usage:

Usage: devlocktool [OPTION]... CODE
Device lock code helper

 -C, --change-devlock-code=NEW_CODE    change the code to NEW_CODE
                                         if CODE is correct
     --help                            display this help and exit
     --version                         output version information and exit
     --set-autolock-param NEW PARAMETER           update autolock parameter stored in CAL information and exit
     --set-timeout-param NEW PARAMETER           update timeout parameter stored in CAL information and exit
     --get-autolock-param PIPE ID (or empty)      get autolock parameter stored in CAL information and exit
     --get-timeout-param PIPE ID (or empty)      get timeout parameter stored in CAL information and exit


Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation

Confidential.  You are not free to do anything with this package,
unless you have permission from Nokia Corporation.

If removed

*Hard to test, as removing this will remove libcodelockui1, and it will cause much of packages to be removed.