HomeBank Maemo
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This is a port of homebank. HomeBank is a fast, simple and easy to use program to manage your accounts. It differs from gnucash for the better look and feel, and for the greatest start-up speed. It has a lot of features such as easy analysis with graphical charts (statistics, budget, overdrawn, car cost), multi-accounts support, budget management, reminder, import from OFX/QFX-CSV files, visual status of operations. It is based on GTK2.
I've started to port it to maemo, doing packages, fixing menu and toolbars and so on. Feel free to contact me (luca dot ognibene at gmail dot com) if you need help or just if you want to hug me! Please!
Some info:
* project: http://garage.maemo.org/projects/homebank/ * the package with dependencies are on extras-devel * code is here: http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=users/skaboy/homebank.git;a=summary * port author: LucaOgnibene
Don't report bugs upstream! Report them by mail or at the project tracker.. i'll contact upstream developer if it's a upstream bug!
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 09:12.
- This page has been accessed 18,744 times.