SDLMAME is the Simple Directmedia Layer port of the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. MAME has the ambitious goal to make it possible to archive all arcade machines by creating working hardware emulators to host all the the game code, or ROMs, that these machines employ.
Contents |
[edit] Project Status
The SDL variant of mainline, modern MAME is currently being ported to Maemo 5. For MAME for earlier Maemo versions, see XMAME. At this point, MAME is only available in Extras-devel, due to its incomplete state. For example, it might occasionally lock up your phone. There's no ETA on a completed version due to the huge scope of the project.
See the Talk thread for discussion of the progress. Also, you can help out a lot by designing keymaps and other settings for your favorite ROMs and sharing them. For example, portrait mode via rotation (in the settings, push the volume control) is available for games that orient that way, but special consideration of controls are required. Doing the footwork for this kind of thing will greatly help out because the maintainer has neither the time nor the inclination to do this for all ROMs.
Available tools are the settings in MAME and the settings in Accelemymote, which controls the accelerometer input as joystick events.
[edit] ROM Directory
ROMS go into any of the following folders:
(This is roms in N900 when mounted via USB mass storage) -
(a roms directory on your microSD card)
[edit] ROM Status
Remember, for the sake of organization:
- Add games alphabetically and in the appropriate category.
- Make sure a game doesn't already exist in a different category.
- If a game is already in the list and in the same category as you would put it, make it bold by adding triple single quotes on either side of the name to indicate confirmation by a second tester.
- If the game is in a different category than you have it, move it to the Mixed Reviews list and indicate next to it the two conflicting experiences.
- If it's already in the Mixed Reviews list and you confirm one of the previous reviews, move it to that list.
Thanks for your help maintaining this list!
[edit] Playable
These are games that seem identical to the arcade experience.
- 1943 - 95% speed, Sound fair.
- Aerofighters
- Aliens
- Arkanoid
- Astro blaster - working / good - 100% speed
- Astro Force
- Atari Tetris (very minor sound crackle)
- Aurail
- Black Tiger (blktiger1, I couldn't run the original rom)
- Block
- Block Out (blockout)
- Blood Brothers (bloodbro)
- Bomb Jack
- Bubble Bobble
- Burnin rubber - working / good - 100% speed
- Cabal - working / good - 94% speed (very minor sound crackle)
- Cameltry
- Carnival - working / good - 100% speed (very minor dip in speed now & again)
- Centipede - working / good
- Commando - working / good - 99% speed
- Dig Dug
- DonDonPachi
- Dragon buster - working / good - 99% speed
- Exerion (exerion)
- Gaplus
- Galaga
- Ghosts'n Goblins (gng)
- Gorf - working / good - 98% speed (works great it just needs portrait mode)
- Hyper sports - working / good - 100% speed
- Jungle King
- Mr Do
- Pacman
- Pacland
- Pang (pang)
- Rainbow islands - working . good - 91% speed (the odd stutter but playable)
- Rygar (rygar)
- Side Pocket
- Sky kid - working / good - 99% speed
- Tehkan World Cup (tehkanwc) - working / good - 100% (very very minor sound crackle)
- Snow Bros (snowbros)
- Track & field - working / good - 100% speed
- Wonderboy
- Wonderboy in monster land - working / good - 99% speed (very very slight sound crackle)
- Vulgus
- Zaxxon
MAME 0.138 working games with n900 850cpu/450dsp or higher //by samipower// 26-12-2010
- alien vs predator 1OO
- asterix (EAD) 75
- boble boble (bublbol) 100
- bonanza bros 80-85
- blood bros 100
- cadilacs dinosaurs 100
- caveman ninja 100
- double dragon 2 70
- golden axe revenge... 50
- golden axe 90 (goldnaxe ,set6,us)
- joe mac returns 100
- king of fighter 90 run neogeo-versions-with bios files into game
- metal slug 80-85 with neogeo bios files into game
- metal slug x 75-80 with neogeo bios files into game
- metal slug 5 75-95 with neogeo bios files //differents zone games
- metal slug 4 85-90 with neogeo bios files into game
- neo turf masters 70-75 with neogeo bios files into game
- neobomberman 95-100 with neogeo bios files into game
- paclan 100
- pacman plus 100
- pang3 100
- super pang 100
- puzle boble 4 (2.040) 50
- puzle boble (pboble) 100 japan, 180kb
- punisher 100
- rampage world 1.3 35-40
- real but special 80 with neogeo bios files into game
- robocop 100
- samurai showdown 5 80 with neogeo bios files into game
- sengoku 3 90-95 with neogeo bios files into game
- shadow dancer 90-95
- simpsons 100
- snow bros 100
- soul calibur 12
- sunset riders eac 4p 90
- tekken 2.b 7
- turtle in time 65
- vendetta 95
- ultraman 100
- versus net soccer 16-18
- wonder boy 3 90
- world heroes perfect 75 with neogeo bios files into game
- windjammers 100
- xmen children of atom 100
- this speed are playing with n900 keyboard
- playing with ps3 bluetoth game pad , games run about 15% more slow
- playing with usb gamepad (hen beta+kernel46 neccesary for it) more slow
- playing with two players , with usb gamepad and ps3 gamepad , n900 950mhz and full battery, 2hours and little(about 15 min) and battery low-nothing.
[edit] Problematic
These are games that run significantly below 100% or have other problems that make them less than ideal for playing.
- After burner - working / very slow - 29% speed (sound crackle)
- After burner 2 - working / very slow - 27% speed (sound crackle)
- Arkanoid 2 Revenge of Doh (arkanoid2) - Very slow 45%
- Bad dudes vs dragon ninja - working / ok/jerky - 73% speed (sound crackle)
- Chase hq - working / jerky - 42% speed (some sound crackle)
- Continental circus - working / jerky - 46% speed (sound crackle)
- Double Dragon (ddragon) --> Very slow 50%. Can't start game when using same key for coin/start.
- Dungeons & Dragons Tower of Doom (ddtod) --> Slow 65%
- Empire strikes back - working / jerky - 50% speed(sound crackle & dark vector grafix)
- Final Fight --> Freezes N900 after 10-15 minutes of gameplay (reboot needed)
- Galaga 88
- Galaxian
- Gauntlet --> Some audio distortion
- Ghouls n ghosts - working / jerky - 77% speed (some sound crackle)
- Golden Axe (goldnaxe) --> Slow 67%
- Golden Axe 2 --> somewhat slow but runs
- Marble madness - working / slow/jerky - 61% speed (sound crackle)
- Megatech (small selection of megadrive and sms games) - working / jerky and slow - 32% speed (sound crackle and small screen due to megatech layout)
- Metal Slug X - working / jerky - 36% speed (sound crackle)
- Moonwalker - working / jerky and slow - 53% speed (sound crackle)
- Nemesis - working / jerky - 70% speed (some sound crackle)
- Outrun - working / very slow - 16% speed (keys stuck on mouse setting)
- Pacmania
- Paperboy - working / jerky - 53% speed (sound crackle)
- Phoenix (amstar) - working / jerky - 42% speed (sound crackle)
- Road runner - working / jerky - 53% speed (sound crackle)
- Pole position 2 - working / slow - 54% speed
- Rastan (rastan) --> Very slow 55%.
- R-type - working / good-ish - 32% speed then after 40secs jumps to 80%(very odd)
- Road blasters - working / slow/jerky - 44% speed (sound crackle)
- Robocop - working / slow/jerky - 66% speed (sound crackle)
- Robocop 2 - working / jerky - 60% speed (sound crackle)
- Salamander - working / slow/jerky - 56% (sound skips)
- Sega rally championship - working / very slow - 16% speed (graphics incorrect)
- Space harrier - working / slow - 41% (speed sound crackle)
- Spy hunter - working / jerky - 42% speed (some sound crackle)
- Star wars - working / jerky - 62% speed (sound crackle & dark vector grafix)
- Star wars arcade - working / jerky very slow - 26% speed (crackle on sound)
- Strider - working / slow/jerky - 84% speed (sound jumps)
- Super space invaders 91 - works / jerky - 67% speed (some sound crackle)
- Tecmo world cup millenium - working / slow & jerky - 32% speed i think (very small text) sound crackle
- Tecmo world cup 90 - working / good - 94% speed (speed drops for 2secs now & then)
- Vulcan venture - working / jerky - 52% speed (sound crackle)
- Wec le mans - working / jerky - 48% speed (some sound crackle)
[edit] Broken
These are games that crash, lockup or otherwise simply fail to work.'
- 1945iii = (loading)
- Dragonblaze = (loading)
- Frogger - not working - crashes emulator
- Hard drivin - not working -locks up phone
- Ridge racer - not working - crashes emulator
- Salamander 2 - not working - black screen
- Super World Series = (playing)
- Tekken - not working and crashes emulator
- Vs super mario bros - does not load
[edit] Mixed Reviews
These ROMs have given two different experiences. A third review confirming one of the other two can move it to the right category.
- This page was last modified on 6 May 2011, at 00:10.
- This page has been accessed 90,172 times.