Mer/Documentation/First Steps
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Here are some ideas to help you get some useful things running on Mer. They can all be installed via apt-get install
Contents |
[edit] Sound
Sound currently (0.12) only works with alsa, not pulseaudio so:
apt-get install alsa-base
gnome-alsamixer works as a volume control
For music playback try xfmedia with xine-backend it uses the least cpu and supports playlists.
[edit] Video
dragonplayer, plays videos.
[edit] Internet
Of course, midori is already present but you may want to try arora, another browser.
For IRC try Xchat
[edit] Tablet Hardware
Mer already comes with advanced backlight but you may also want to install tablet-battery-monitor ... but it's fiddly. Once you apt-get it, a menu entry appears in Mer/Extras ... clicking this walks you through an epic journey...
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 10:44.
- This page has been accessed 7,130 times.