Mer/Documentation/Hildon Input Method
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There is limited documentation on how to use this.
see :
Basic structure:
<him-arabic> <layout mode="0"> (0 meaning shift not pressed, 1 means shift pressed) <row> repeat these elements per row you want <key name="character" expand="1 if it should expand and fill - look at the space button in the image, 0 otherwise" /> Add as many keys as needed in the row </row> <layout> Make both a shift not pressed and shift pressed layout. </him-arabic>
The relationship between an XML file (eg fi.xml) and a language (eg fi_FI) seems unknown at the moment.
Matan has this working:
cp fi.xml.txt /usr/share/him-arabic/fi.xml him-arabic-register fi_FI gconftool-2 -s -t bool /apps/osso/inputmethod/hildon-im-languages/fi_FI/word-completion false gconftool-2 -s -t string /apps/osso/inputmethod/hildon-im-languages/language-1 fi_FI gconftool-2 -s -t int /apps/osso/inputmethod/hildon-im-languages/current 1
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 09:37.
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