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~~Warning: I take no responsibility if you break your system or the sky falls down. Do this at your own risk or you will be reinstalling Mer.
Contents |
[edit] Intro
I havn't updated my howto on installing LXDE to Mer since Version 0.9 so I thought it was time since some things have changed. I made this new page that I will update as changes happen. I will also get some Screenshots on this page as well. Feel free to add anything I missed.
[edit] Install LXDE on Mer 0.14
First install and boot to your Mer Partition and Open x terminal.
Then enter each of these commands one at a time
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libvte9=1:0.20.0-0ubuntu2 sudo apt-get install synaptic
WARNING upgrading libvte9 this way will break the x terminal (both the osso one and the lxde one). And when synaptic starts, the password dialog seizes the whole screen, so the onscreen keyboard is not available to enter the password. So it's probably not a good idea to install synaptic if you want to use a terminal and/or don't have an hardware keyboard.
~~N800 and N770 or N810 users that want an onscreen keyboard.
sudo apt-get install onboard (N800 and N770 users)
~~N810 Users Who want Login Screen (if you plan on using both Hildon and LXDE you must install with this option.)
sudo apt-get install lxde
~~N800, 770 and N810 users who don't want login screen.
sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install lxde libgtkstylus
If you want to use lxlauncher to easy opening of applications
sudo apt-get install lxlauncher
Then type this to reboot your system.
sudo reboot
Choose Mer partition again and it should load the ubuntu login window.
login using the username and password you made when installing Mer
Once you have loaded Mer/LXDE then we need to make a few changes to make everything better first to connect to network.
Click Application Menu
Click Run then type (if you want to use the previously installed onboard keyboard, use the file manager, browse to /usr/bin then double tap on onboard. You could also open onboard-settings to check the option to show it in the taskbar)
Choose your network and logon.
Now using an FTP client on a desktop computer login to your Tablet using your root information
[edit] Transfer desktop files to Tablet
~~If you did not install ssh server when installing Mer you will need to install it first.
Download folder and put the files in the following locations.
- nmapplet
- onboard
- nmconnection
- lxlauncher
- nmapplet
- lxlauncher (if you want it to load at startup)
Now you should have a working install of LXDE on top of your Mer open synaptic and install any applications you want.
[edit] Skip Login Screen
Click Application Menu -> Settings -> Login Window.
Click Security tab and Enable Automatic Login then enter your users name there.
[edit] Boot Hildon instead of LXDE
If you want to boot straight into Hildon, execute as root in a terminal
update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/start-hildon
and reboot.
To use lxde again
update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/startlxde
If you want to be able to load either Hildon or LXDE then follow these steps.
Load Mer and ftp in.
Copy this file to /usr/share/xsessions hildon.desktop
Then Logout and click Options -> Select Session -> Hildon -> Change Session
Then Login and you will load Hildon instead of LXDE for this session you can set Hildon as your default and use same way to load LXDE when you want.
~~To Log out of Hildon Click Advanced Backlight and then Click any Rotation option.
[edit] Installing LXDE on older versions
[edit] Closing
Let me know if you run into any problems with anything. I am also working on a custom LXDE layout to organize the programs a little better. I will be posting that soon.
Thanks: Thanks to Stskeeps, Qwerty12, B-man, Qole,FatalSaint for helping out with this.
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 09:37.
- This page has been accessed 20,609 times.