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[edit] Mer Goals
- Integrate the best solutions for a wide variety of small form-factor devices
- Encourage wider access to device capabilities through the Vendor Social Contract
- Demonstrably provide an easy route to market for vendors
- Dramatically reduce costs to vendors of supporting EOL hardware
- Focus, harness and support community contributions to the platform
- Encourage and ease migration of existing applications
- Support experimentation, innovation and development
[edit] Goals for Mer 1.0
Mer 1.0 is the first release where it should be relatively painless to use Mer on a day-to-day basis using N800, N810(W)s.
Requirements specification, related to the N8x0:
- Images:
- a 100% free rootfs, which uses firmware from Nokia-provided initfs to provide WiFi and Bluetooth firmware.
- Fully flashable FIASCO image containing kernel, initfs and rootfs. Will include closed-source bits for HW interfacing and other useful things to not lose functionality. Generated behind the server walls and downloadable with a EULA.
- WLAN working without hassle, and doing proper power saving. Firmware included in initfs.
- Audio working, ideally without having to resort to DSP tasks, but if this is not possible, included in restricted image.
- Bluetooth working. Firmware included in initfs. Bluetooth tethering, PAN and DUN.
- Battery information available.
- USB host, otg and gadget (serial, ethernet, mass storage) modes configurable.
- At least kernel 2.6.21, ideally later.
- Touch screen calibration possible.
- X driver or Xomap with manual updates.
- Backlight level, screen blanking wired into HAL
- FM Radio app: BoaFM
Cross-platform Mer image - goal: must fit in 240mb compressed.
- Backlight and audio: Advanced backlight, ported
- File Manager (finefm, ported is a good candidate]
- Media Player (Canola2)
- Images viewer (Quiver? Is closed source but maybe the author would be interested?, Mirage, ported is a good candidate too)
- Maps (Maemo Mapper, ported)
- RSS feed reader (the open source Nokia one, osso-rss-feed-reader, and maybe Stylus Friendly RSS Home Applet)
- Calculator (galculator-hildon )
- Notes (Maemopad+, ported, Xournal)
- PDF reader (the open source Nokia one? osso-pdf-viewer)
- Clock: large-statusbar-clock,
- Games: osso-mahjong, osso-marbles, osso-chess, Aisleriot solitaire, Maemosweeper, Crazyparking?
- E-mail: Claws Mail?, Modest?
- Browser: Tear? MicroB? Hildonized Midori?
- Calendar: mCalendar?
- Xterm: osso-xterm
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 09:45.
- This page has been accessed 14,420 times.