Mer/Proposals/SmartQ Developer Programme
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We will be getting 10 developer rebates of 33$ from SmartDevices and this will be distributed in the following manner:
Stskeeps will be choosing the best 10 proposals, which will be evaluated on the merit of the proposal, previous contributions to the project, and the perceived skill of the person proposing it.
If you receive one of the rebates you will be able to, through a Singapore distributor to receive a SmartQ5 by paying 99 USD - shipping may not be included (not sure yet). You must pay taxes, VAT and customs cost yourself if your country imposes this on the device.
Retail price is 132 USD and you will be getting a 33 USD rebate. Q7 rebate is -not- possible.
Proposals will be evaluated when the procedure has been worked out. If you'd like to make a proposal in exchange for eventual rebate, be sure to have signed up for the Mer project as well (being on Mer/People). The rebates are for Mer team members only. We will get the rebates once we have 10 proposals.
The proposals will be evaluated in the following manner:
Proposal will be evaluated in terms of the following items on a scale of 1 not relevant, to 10 most revelant.
- Weight 5: Improving hardware support (kernel, bootloaders, X, HAL, drivers, control panels, home applets, status bar applets)
- Weight 4: Using specific hardware features of the device (TV out, USB host/otg, SoC features) or form factor.
- Weight 3: Improving the Mer platform on all devices.
- Weight 2: Perceived skill of contributor
- Weight 1: Past contributions to the Mer project.
[edit] Template Proposal
Needed device (Q5 or Q7):
Previous contributions to Mer if any:
Examples to evaluate your skill on:
Evaluation from Stskeeps will go here:
[edit] Insert your proposals here
Name: Tomasz Dominikowski
Nickname: TomaszD
Location: Poland
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q7
Previous contributions to Mer if any:
- Packaging and patching applications
- Patching the kernel, patching kernel modules, adding requested extra modules
- Adding Polish onscreen keyboard
- Testing the "testing" releases
- Providing bug reports and suggestions
Examples to evaluate your skill on:
- Translator, a member of translation team (Mozilla Corp., Novell, GNOME), where I translate mainly the GNOME desktop (which Mer is roughly based on when it comes to the backend technology, the translation format is the same).
- I'm the admin and owner of the Polish Ubuntu translation team (which Mer is based on)
- I've been using GNU/Linux since 2004, Debian/Ubuntu flavour, so have some experience with the command line, various popular tools and version control systems.
- I also provide my fellow Polish Linux users with my own (rather popular) remix of Ubuntu, with various modifications to suit their needs better than the standard image.
- Provide 1st class Polish l10n for Mer.
- Participate in the project as usual (packaging, reporting bugs, testing on N810).
Evaluation from Stskeeps will go here:
Name: Matan Ziv-Av
Nickname: matan
Location: Ein-Yahav, ISRAEL.
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q5 and Q7
Previous contributions to Mer if any:
- Some hacking on Q5 kernel.
- Finding a way to update kernel from Mer.
- Getting him-arabic (another HIM keyboard) to work.
Examples to evaluate your skill on:
- Previous contributions.
Proposal: I intend to work on hardware support on Q5/Q7:
- Getting them better supported in Mer - they have quite a few buttons than other Mer devices (ITs, Loox 720).
- Getting the s3c_pp and s3c_mfc to allocate memory at run time, thus allowing full use of RAM and video acceleration.
- Getting one kernel to work on both devices.
- 2D accelerated driver for Xorg.
- 3D accelerated driver (long term goal).
Name: Ed Page
Nickname: epage
Location: Austin, Tx, USA
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q5
Previous contributions to Mer if any:
- mer-cpa-about
- mer-cpa-input
- first-boot.d support for first-boot-wizard
Examples to evaluate your skill on:
- Device specific branding including hw button cpa
- Whatever is needed to make it usable on a day-to-day basis, whether developing new apps, fixing/updating existing apps, or drivers.
Name: Andrew Zhilin
Nickname: wazd
Location: Moscow, Russia
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q5
Previous contributions to Mer if any:
- UI developing
Examples to evaluate your skill on:
- UI developing and testing user experience on specific hardware
Name: David Greaves
Nickname: lbt
Location: UK
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q7
Previous contributions to Mer if any: OBS, Qt
Examples to evaluate your skill on: OBS, Qt, Shopper
Proposal: Pictureframe, event-central A community picture-frame type application. Share pictures via wifi/internet so a 'group' of frames can show the same picture. Think of extended family where your mum sees the same pic as you when you change it.
In the process we'll need some super-simple UI stuff; easy install etc.
event-central is the proposed replacement for powerlaunch which will need multiple devices for testing.
Name: tommy
Nickname: toggles
Location: USA
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q5/Q7
Previous contributions to Mer if any: None, playing with bme
Examples to evaluate your skill on:
Proposal: Will look at battery info for hal on device.
Name: Olaf
Nickname: Olafvdkruk
Location: Netherlands
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q5
Previous contributions to Mer if any: none
Examples to evaluate your skill on: See (not my site)
Proposal: Testing, maybe more
Name: Michael
Nickname: nite_man
Location: Cyprus
Needed device (Q5 or Q7): Q5
Previous contributions to Mer if any: none
Examples to evaluate your skill on:
- LinuxMCE Maemo Orbiter (moved under LinuxMCE source tree)
Proposal: porting LinuxMCE Orbiter to the Q5 to use it as control panel of home automation system
Evaluation from Stskeeps will go here:
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 09:56.
- This page has been accessed 19,549 times.