Mer is back : Please visit to learn more about this news. |
Mer 0.9 was prepared in the sprint 16 February 2009 - 2 March 2009, and released on 2 March 2009
[edit] Completed tasks in this release and notable accomplishments
If you want to see associated sprint, click here
Committed | Task | Owner | % | Highlights |
Patch apt package with | qwerty12 | 100% | In repository. Needs testing however on x86 and I am not patching the text strings. I also need to improve packaging. | |
Make 770 image not have kernel-diablo-modules and such | Stskeeps | 100% | found a kernel-diablo-modules in foundations/mer, might have done something.. Removed in imager. | |
Add FDI for Nokia keyboards (see this and this | Darken | 100% | Check this [1] - Added keycode problem fix in xserver-xorg-input-evdev, now in repository. Patched repository actually. Now in repository | |
2009-02-17 | Look into porting Powerlaunch or doing an alternative in Python | qwerty12 | 100% | Powerlaunch ported by qwerty12, in repository. |
- qwerty12: autodetection of Nokia keyboards, maemo-xkb-plugin
- Stskeeps: 770 wifi working out of the box, work on Xomap on Mer, upgraded GTK version, improving flashable Mer images boot on N8x0
[edit] Known issues
ID | Severity | Product | Status | Resolution | Summary (6 tasks) ⇒ | Assignee |
4101 | enhancement | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | zenity list should allow clicking in any column for radio and check lists | Carsten Munk |
4102 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | (dpkg?) error message shouldn't say "reached already" | Carsten Munk |
4111 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | install catalog details dialog is fatally modal | Carsten Munk |
4148 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | alarmd should use '.' instead of 'source' in '/bin/sh' scripts | Carsten Munk |
4093 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | update-desktop-database error message is bad | Carsten Munk |
4062 | major | Mer | RESOLVED | FIXED | Installer crashes when writing a bootmenu item in advanced-mode for external card. | Carsten Munk |
- Bootmenu does not play well with clone-to-SD systems. You will have to make a bootmenu item yourself (ask on #maemo about this) (someone document how to make an .item)
- Sometimes after updates the touchscreen of the tables stop working or isn't calibrated, this is because the 'xserver-xorg-input-synaptics' package are installed, to fix it do "sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics" in a terminal.
- X driver for omapfb does not use Manual updates yet and hence can be a bit slow in updating the screen which may give the impression the system is slow.
- Rotation in advanced-backlight kills the X server
- Duplicate application menu happens
- Network-Manager dies on N8x0 after sleep / idling
- No charging screen on flashable image
- No battery meter yet on tablets.
- No sound on tablets.
[edit] Released files and guides
- There is -no- warranty. This may blow up your MMC, steal your wife or cause doomsday to come around. But if you find some bugs, please report them on and we'll try to see what we can do to fix the bug causing it.
- If anything goes wrong, grab a USB cable, and rescue mode is done through holding down Home key when booting Mer (on tablets)
[edit] MD5sums
0772b1e9696abfa3385f225d7c22cecb | mer-x86-generic-image-v0.8.img.raw.gz |
0fc35357cd3e52d2e3ebeabb8388728b | mer-armel-770-image-v0.9.tar.gz |
d3aa8d8fcf07d8151798ec0b2e87d320 | mer-armel-beagleboard-bootfs-v0.9.tar.gz |
f9ef3c21d147c15ea67140e698b8fecb | mer-armel-beagleboard-rootfs-v0.9.tar.gz |
ae8e6fe493a8ced818c0fd0f93888db0 | mer-armel-generic-rootstrap-v0.9.tar.gz |
a754670beafb6b120370149220614b2d | mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.9.jffs2 |
acbbe72a2e5f8276e9f8e548582f694e | mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.9.tar.gz |
e0313a96a8dbcd23fc9c350f2ee05e50 | mer-armel-n8x0-kernel-v0.9.zImage |
b01a78b35a43be609627054bdde96096 | mer-armel-pocketloox720-v0.9.tar.gz |
8ade366d3878b2821aaa96fde503970b | mer-x86-generic-image-v0.9.img.raw.gz |
c5badb1d23222b4e9cf4ea0a3884854c | mer-x86-generic-image-v0.9.tar.gz |
b2085a9bd4786d821d2577fcb89a3052 | |
aa686dc394ab98cb657a5e653c36148d | mer-x86-generic-rootstrap-v0.9.tar.gz |
[edit] Generic x86 - VMDK (VMware disk image)
- Generic X86 bootable VMDK image - root password is 'rootme'
[edit] Installation in VirtualBox
- Unzip zip file
- Open VirtualBox, create new machine (click *New*):
- Name: Mer 0.9
- OS type: Linux
- Version: Ubuntu
- RAM: 128 at least.
- Disk: click "existing", find the mer-x86-generic-image-v0.9.vmdk file, select, select
- Next
- Finish.
[edit] Generic x86 - RAW image
- Generic X86 RAW gzipped image - usable in virtual machine products such as Parallels and such supporting RAW disk images (gunzip first).
[edit] Generic x86 - tar.gz image
- Generic X86 tar.gz rootfs image. Usable both for chroot and actually installing on a machine.
[edit] Installation (chroot)
mkdir mer-0.9 cd mer-0.9 && sudo tar xzf mer-x86-generic-image-v0.9.tar.gz sudo mkdir -p tmp/.X11-unix home/$USER/.osso sudo mv usr/bin/maemo-invoker usr/bin/maemo-invoker.real echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nPROG="$1"\nshift\nexec "$PROG" "$@"' | sudo tee usr/bin/maemo-invoker sudo chmod 755 usr/bin/maemo-invoker echo 'nameserver <mynameresolver>' | sudo tee -a etc/resolv.conf
[edit] Start-up (from within mer-0.9 directory)
Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac -extension Composite 2>/dev/null 1>&2 & sudo mount --bind /tmp/.X11-unix tmp/.X11-unix sudo mount --bind /dev/pts dev/pts sudo mount -t proc proc proc sudo mount -t sysfs sysfs sys sudo chroot . export DISPLAY=:2.0 /etc/init.d/dbus start start-hildon
[edit] Installation (machine)
See Mer/Documentation/Making_x86_Mer_Bootable
[edit] Nokia N8x0(W) - installer
- .install file- open this link on the N8x0, to download proper bootmenu and such.
- Open the main menu and tap Utilities -> Install Bootmenu to start the bootmenu install process.
- First, say yes to removing "unneeded extra (and factory testing) stuff"
- say yes to including bootmenu.conf (important). Reboot when done flashing.
- This is a special boot menu where boot menu items are made in /etc/bootmenu.d/*.item and refresh_bootmenu.d will flash this to initfs. If you are cloning or booting other OS'es, you'll need to make such .item files]
- Utilities -> Install Mer and go through the dialogs. The installer will always install the most current release. When done it will reboot and you can hold down menu/swap key and boot into Mer.
[edit] Nokia N8x0(W) tar.gz
- - tar.gz rootfs image
[edit] Nokia N8x0(W) flashable image
NOTE: Experimental
To flash: flasher-3.0-static -k mer-armel-n8x0-kernel-v0.9.zImage -r mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.9.jffs2 -f -R
You might want a MMC card swap partition.
[edit] Nokia 770 - tar.gz image
[edit] Guide
(these instructions need testing)
You will need at least a 1gb MMC, and these instructions are based on OS2008HE kernel. 48mhz kernel is highly recommended
Partition MMC to:
- p1: Large ext3 partition first
- p2: 256 MB swap partition second
Grab and install it.
- Open the main menu and tap Utilities -> Install Bootmenu to start the bootmenu install process.
- First, say yes to removing "unneeded extra (and factory testing) stuff"
- say yes to including bootmenu.conf (important). Reboot when done flashing.
- This is a special boot menu where boot menu items are made in /etc/bootmenu.d/*.item and refresh_bootmenu.d will flash this to initfs. If you are cloning or booting other OS'es, you'll need to make such .item files
Grab e2fsprogs and install it - grab gnutar as well
- From x-terminal, root: insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/mbcache.ko
- insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/jbd.ko
- insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/ext3.ko
- mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p1
- mkswap /dev/mmcblk0p2
- swapon /dev/mmcblk0p2
- mkdir -p /mnt/mer
- mkdir -p /etc/bootmenu.d
- mount -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/mer
- cd /mnt/mer; wget
- tar pzxvf mer-armel-770-image-v0.9.tar.gz
- rm mer-armel-770-image-v0.9.tar.gz
- umount /mnt/mer
- Make /etc/bootmenu.d/mer.item with the following contents:
ITEM_NAME="Mer" ITEM_ID="mer" ITEM_DEVICE="mmcblk0p1" ITEM_MODULES="mbcache jbd ext3" ITEM_FSTYPE="ext3" ITEM_FSOPTIONS="noatime,ro" ITEM_LINUXRC="linuxrc"
- refresh_bootmenu.d (say yes to reflashing, no to backup of initfs. reboot)
- Hold down Menu key when prompted while booting and select Mer in the boot menu.
[edit] BeagleBoard port
- Boot filesystem, contains uImage (kernel packaged for uboot), for latest uboot.
- Root filesystem
[edit] Guide
- Make sure you are running a RECENT uBoot, and you have USB input devices like keyboard or mouse, if you don't own a touchscreen..
- Make a SD card, partitioned with 50mb FAT as first partition, extract boot fs on this, and the rest Linux partition, format this as ext3, and extract rootfs on this.
- In uBoot, use the following commands (you may have to adjust video= parameter to match your display screen:
Note: The format of the video bootargs parameter has changed for the new 2.6.28 kernel in 0.9. You'll likely have to update the bootargs line.
setenv bootcmd 'mmcinit; fatload mmc 0:1 0x80300000 uImage; bootm 0x80300000' setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfstype=ext3 rootwait omapfb.video_mode=1024x768MR16@60' saveenv boot
- The tablet should output kernel output on serial and on video, and on HDMI out it will eventually start X and show the First Boot Wizard. Good luck.
[edit] Pocket Loox 720 port (experimental)
[edit] Guide
- Set up a SD card with a logical partition, and inside this logical partition, make a 50mb or so FAT partition (p5), and put the zImage file on this filesystem, name it zImage. After the logical partition, make a ext3 partition (p2), and untar rootfs on it.
- Grab HaRET and put it on the FAT partition, HaRET.exe.
- Make a file, startup.txt, with the following contents:
set kernel "zImage" set mtype "617" set RAMADDR "0xa8000000" set cmdline "mem=128M rootdelay=1 root=b302 rw console=tty0" boot
- Unmount all filesystems, insert SD card into Pocket Loox, boot by running HaReT.exe
- Experimental release, if you want to play with this - come hang out on #mer on and we'll try to guide you along. It is a 640x480 screen so our theme won't fit.
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 11:31.
- This page has been accessed 34,090 times.