Quick Widgets

quick-widgets is an application to facilitate creating and deploying home screen widgets.

see thread on talk


[edit] Features

  • run Qt Quick applications as home widgets
  • suspend widget when not on current home screen
  • access to system calls in QML (wrapping QProcess)
  • fix widget to size or let content determine the size
  • restore after reboot/crash
  • rotate with landscape/portrait orientation
  • absolutely no compilation/building required!

[edit] Wish list

  • base widgets
  • more event bindings directly in qml

[edit] Basic Examples

[edit] Application Launcher Button

import QtQuick 1.0
import quickwidgets 1.0
Rectangle {
    // Customize to your fancy
    property string buttonImage: "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/hildon/general_email.png"
    property string appName:  "modest"
    color: "#552a2a2a" // optionally "transparent"
    radius: 5
    property int imagePadding: 5
    width: childrenRect.width+imagePadding
    height: childrenRect.height+imagePadding
    id: container;
    Image {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        id: play
        smooth: true
        source: buttonImage
        MouseArea {
            id: ma
            anchors.fill:  parent
            onClicked: {
                anim.running = true;
        SequentialAnimation {
            id: anim
            PropertyAnimation { target: play; property: "scale"; duration: 150; to: 0.9   }
            PropertyAnimation { target: play; property: "scale"; duration: 100; to: 1.0  }
    Process {
        id: dbus
        command: "dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=com.nokia.HildonDesktop.AppMgr \
                 /com/nokia/HildonDesktop/AppMgr \
                 com.nokia.HildonDesktop.AppMgr.LaunchApplication string:\""+appName+"\""
        onCompleted: {}
        onFailed: {}

[edit] Web Browser widget

import QtQuick 1.0
import QtWebKit 1.0
Item {
    // Modify these to customize
    // widget width
    width: 300
    // widget height
    height: 350
    // the url to display
    property string url: "http://touch.facebook.com"
    // the optimum width for the website. The page is scaled down
    // from this width to the widget's width
    property int optimal_width: 340
    // interval when to reload the page
    // setting it to 0 means never refresh
    property real reload_in_minutes: 10
    // end user mods.
    id: main
     MouseArea {
     	  anchors.right: parent.right
	  width: 30
	  height: parent.height
	  onClicked: {
    Rectangle {
         anchors.fill: parent
         radius: 10
	 color: "gray"
	 opacity: 0.6
    Text {
         id: txt
         anchors.centerIn: parent
	 text: "loading..."
	 color: "white"
    WebView {
     	  id: browser
          transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
	  property bool scaled: false
	  smooth: true
	  visible: false
          preferredWidth: optimal_width
          preferredHeight: parent.height
	  url: parent.url
          Behavior on y  { PropertyAnimation {} }
	  onUrlChanged: {
              y = 0
	  onLoadFinished: {
              if (!scaled) {
                  browser.contentsScale = main.width/browser.width
                  scaled = true;
              browser.visible = true
              txt.z = 0
     MouseArea {
     	  anchors.right: parent.right
	  width: 30
	  height: parent.height
	  onClicked: {
             var inc = main.height*0.9
             if (mouse.y > main.height/2) {
                var dy = Math.min(inc,
                browser.y -= dy
            } else {
                var dy = Math.min(inc, Math.abs(browser.y))
                browser.y += dy
     Timer {
     	   id: refresh
     	   interval: 1000*60*parent.reload_in_minutes
	   running: runtime.isActiveWindow
	   repeat: true
           onTriggered: { txt.z = 1

[edit] User Contributed scripts

  • qmltube widget - [1]
  • quicklyrics - a lyrics widget for someplayer [2]
  • someplayer widget [3]
  • Tagesschau podcast widget [4]
  • system info widget - [5]
  • /opt/quick-widgets/examples/process.qml

[edit] API

document qmlprocess here...

[edit] Thanks

venemo and the Nokia Qt labs