Talk:Maemo Summit 2008 recordings
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[edit] Maemo Summit 2008 Recordings
Here you will find information regarding the recorded sessions from the Maemo Summit 2008.
[edit] Summit a Request
As the Maemo Summit has yet to happen we are open to suggestions on what you would like to see, All talks will be recorded where possible but extra footage in the form of interviews, questions, back-stage action will be filmed on request. If you have a question you would like to pose to the developers working on the Maemo platform then now is your chance. Please add your question and preferably questionee, if known, to the list below.
[edit] Questions posed at the summit
Each interview should begin with a standardized set of questions about the interviewee:
- State your name and where you're from.
- Provide a description of how you are affiliated with Maemo (contributor, partner, etc.).
- Etc. (Please add if needed.)
It would also be cool to capture some establishing shots of the interviewees (short footage of person interacting at conference, but not in interview mode).
Please add your question/request below.
[edit] Pre Summit
- What are Nokia's hopes and goals for the Maemo Summit? baloo 11:53, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- Why are you here? timsamoff 13:40, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- What do you hope to gain from being here? timsamoff 13:40, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit] During Summit
- What have you seen so far that is worth mentioning? timsamoff 13:40, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- Have you made any new friends or met anyone of interest? timsamoff 13:40, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit] Post Summit
- Do you think the summit achieved it goals? baloo 11:53, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- What were the highlights of the summit? baloo 11:53, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- Will there be a Maemo Summit 2009?
- Is this planned to be an annual event?
- Can we please get 6 months advance notice for future events including dates and location?
[edit] "Storyboards"
For lack of a better word, we need a way to loosely "storyboard" some of our ideas...
- Should all interviews be done in a specific location? Or should they be captured randomly throughout the conference space?
- In my opinion it would be best to shoot interviews in random locations, that way they don't all look the same. baloo 15:02, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- Ok. Agreed. timsamoff 18:33, 19 July 2008 (UTC)
- Do we need to organize some good establishing shots of the space/people or just shoot off-the-cuff?
- A catalogue of shots of the interviewee's and locations could be built up over the two days (and maybe at OSiM) to edit in later making the interview more appealing. We also need to have a standard set of questions to introduce the interviewee and maybe a couple of questions that would be interesting to hear from different viewpoints.
- Yes. See info right under "Questions posed at the Summit" section. timsamoff 18:33, 19 July 2008 (UTC)
- One of the important things to do is gather a list of 'willing victims' and coordinate the recording project will all interested volunteers baloo 15:02, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- Let's start emailing people! timsamoff 18:33, 19 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit] Streaming
There is a possibility for sreaming and it's all about the money. Yesterday we agreed with the c-base guys that they would include it in the modular budget.
I was certainly thinking about not accepting the sponsorship request from N people from US/Asia and with that money put in place a proper streaming & recording setting. With a chat system in place they (and others) could even find some kind of real time participation. Needs more thinking.--qgil 09:16, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
[edit] Sending videos as a presentation
Also someone had commented about sending a presentation on video as a kick-off of a session. Why not. At the end we should give example not only in physical mobility but also in other technical online community alternatives. In fact Krisse is doing just that already.--qgil 09:16, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
- baloo 11:53, 18 July 2008 (UTC) I will bring along a tripod and a Panasonic HDC-SD5 high definition camcorder. If there are no offers for a wireless/wired microphone solution I can arrange to bring one along also.
- timsamoff 13:48, 18 July 2008 (UTC) I am still trying to decide on whether to bring camera (Sony HVR-Z1U)/tripod/wireless mic or still camera (Canon 5D) and lenses. My main issue is figuring out a way to lug everything around in a primarily walking city. I have a rolling case, but it's HUGE. What do you think would be more beneficial to our cause: another video camera or a good still camera? If I do bring the still camera, I can still bring either (a) wireless mic, or (b) boom mic.
- baloo 15:12, 18 July 2008 (UTC) I doubt we need more than one video camera unless someone has another use for it. A good quality still camera would be great also as I only have a Nikon D40x to offer (I'll be bringing it anyway). So as you seem to have the better equipment on both counts it may be an advantage to bring all your gear but there are two issues, one, it wouldn't be convenient for you to bring everything, and two, the quality after re-encoding for the web may not be an issue so I propose that you email me and we can thrash out the idea's. After that we can post back our conclusions. Sound OK?
- Reggie 14:57, 1 August 2008 (UTC) Regarding Krisse's video, I might be able to just add it as part of our presentation, assuming my macbook will behave well with the projector. I need to patch audio from the macbook to the main amplifier. If patching is not an option, I guess the holding the mic against the macbook's speaker might work.
[edit] Confirmed Equipment List
- Jamie: Panasonic HDC-SD5 (video), tripod
- Tim: Canon 5D (and lenses), wireless lavaliere mic
- Add more here.
- This page was last modified on 30 April 2013, at 17:36.
- This page has been accessed 20,280 times.