Task:Mer Repository Setup
Mer is back : Please visit http://www.merproject.org to learn more about this news. |
As part of the Mer bootstrapping process, a repository at http://repository.maemo.org/community/ will have to be set up.
Contents |
[edit] Repository layout
- Suite: unstable
- Codename: alpha
- Components: main
- Architectures: i386 armel (all)
(later we will have a stable distribution, and a similar promotion interface to extras one will be used)
[edit] Bootstrapping
- Copying all .dsc and .deb from repository.mer.tspre.org and loading into repository. We get SDK problems if we have to re-compile everything again, and the packages were built natively already.
[edit] Upload possibilities
- Similar interface as to uploading to i386 & armel builder as with extras.
- There should be a specific moderation of invitations to be able to upload to the Mer repositories.
- There should be a possibility to upload self-built packages (source & binary packages), like 'non-free' but directly to 'main', for certain uploaders (kernel-diablo is a specific problem, as it doesn't build cleanly on new SDK with gcc4)
[edit] Builder specifics
- Builders should target both i386 and armel (armv5el, not vfp) (will probably have to be set with CFLAGS)
- Mer has, for armv5el, a scratchbox v1 SDK:
- Toolchain: http://scratchbox.org/~jhakala/unofficial/scratchbox-toolchain-arm-linux-cs2008q3-72_1.0.8-1_i386.deb
- Devkit: http://stskeeps.subnetmask.net/mer/scratchbox-devkit-mer_1.0.8_i386.deb , debian-etch, cputransp
- On top of QEMU EABI: (http://maemogeek.blogspot.com/2007/11/installing-qemu-arm-eabi-patch-into.html)
- sb-conf setup MER-ARMEL --compiler=arm-linux-cs2008q3-72 --devkits=debian-etch:cputransp:mer --cputransp=qemu-arm-eabi -f
- sb-conf reset -f MER-ARMEL
- sb-conf select MER-ARMEL
- sb-conf rootstrap MER-ARMEL http://stskeeps.subnetmask.net/mer/mer-armel-rootstrap-v8.tar.gz
- sb-conf install MER-ARMEL --etc --devkits
- For i386 a following model could work:
- A tar.gz with debootstrap of a buildd variant (found at http://stskeeps.subnetmask.net/mer/mer-i386-rootstrap-v0.tar.gz ) , apt sources may have to be adjusted.
- chrooting into the unpacked tar.gz, put in source package, grab dependancies, build it natively (pbuilder?)
- This page was last modified on 12 November 2010, at 15:11.
- This page has been accessed 10,431 times.