Task:Single sign-on/Status may 2010
This page should give a short overview of what is implemented up to now. We are at the moment on the way to move our test-environment to maemo.org. The following components are included right now:
- CAS server running in Apache Tomcat
- Authenticates against LDAP and MySQL
- No special theme yet.
- Wiki
- Communication to CAS server implemented
- Single sign-on is integrated
- Single sign-out is integrated
- Implementation of database sync started, but not completed yet
- GForge
- CAS integration implemented
- Single sign-on is integrated
- Single sign-out is integrated
- Implementation of user sync similar to wiki - not completed
- Midgard
- org.maemo.cas MidCOM component provides authentication via CAS
- Midgard 2 - responsible for the database sync service
- org_maemo_userdata MidgardMVC component implements xmlhttp-server for user-data synchronization
In the Maemo.org environment are the following components installed:
- Fully functional with test-MySQL database
- Midgard
- ToDo
- Midgard2 (located on the same server as CAS)
- Prelimenary version installed (needs to be upgraded to 10.05.x before testing)
- This page was last modified on 3 June 2010, at 10:24.
- This page has been accessed 3,718 times.