
(Tweak FF: N9 QRefresh & N9QT Splash Images)
(Tweak FF: N9 QRefresh & N9QT Splash Images)
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Another option in the tweak is to '''Change the Splash Image of N9QTweak'''. You can choose a few different colours to do so.
Another option in the tweak is to '''Change the Splash Image of N9QTweak'''. You can choose a few different colours to do so.
=== Tweak GG: Change Boot Video & Startup Images ===
This tweak consists of two parts; changing boot video and/or the startup images.
'''For Boot Video:''' Create a short video with the name '''bootvideo.mp4''' and place it in '''/home/user/MyDocs/Movies/.Bootvideo''' If the directory isn't present just create it first!
To apply your new '''Boot Video choose option 1''' from the tweak.
For startup images you need to create 3 images with the following names:
- startup1'''.png'''
- startup2'''.jpg'''
- startup3'''.jpg'''
Take note of the extension difference between images 1 and 2&3. Place these startup images in /home/user/MyDocs/Movies/.Bootvideo and choose option 2 from tweak to apply.
For sample boot videos you can download some from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17706605/Bootvideo.zip

Revision as of 06:34, 10 August 2012

This Page is Incomplete!!! Pending Completion please visit: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=80600



N9QTweak is a collection of tweaks and settings for your N9/50 device. With this app users no longer need to worry about applying various tweaks manually with added complications.


1) Download the .deb file either via AppsforMeego or from the TMO thread located at http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=80600

2) Transfer it to your phone and tap on it to install

3) A new icon will be created on the Homescreen at the end of successful installation. Clicking it will run the application.

4) A password prompt for user devel-su will appear where you have to enter a password (default is rootme). This password will not be visible as you type just press Enter after typing it.

Important Notes Before Running Any Tweaks

1) Run "Create Backup" [Tweak K] on first use of the app. This procedure does NOT need to be repeated when you wish to update to a newer version of the app.

2) Updating to a new version DOES NOT require you to run "Restore" from the app to undo any previous tweaks/mods.

3) Installation of new version is the same; just double click the new .deb file from your phone

4) In the event of not having a backup and requiring a clean backup download a CLEAN BACKUP from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17706605/N9QTweakBackup_8.6_all.zip

5) It is recommended to start with Tweak A first as Tweak A has some similar files to other tweaks which can result in other tweaks being restored too in the event Tweak A is restored if Tweak A was not installed first

6) Multiple tweaks can be appplied at once with one space between the letters before pressing ENTER [e.g. A B D E ... then pressing ENTER]

7) Some tweaks may need a refresh or reboot. You can apply them in the end of your session or in the end of the letters you want to apply at once. A single refresh or reboot will apply all the tweaks that require a refresh or reboot.

Tweaks Menu

Tweak A: Speed Up Transitions MODs


1. Full Speed Up Transition MOD: includes Landscape MOD for Home & Lockscreen.

2. Speed Up Transitions with Only Homescreen Landscape MOD

3. Speed Up Transitions with Only Lockscreen Landscape MOD

4. Only Speed Up Transitions - NO Landscape MOD

5. Restore to Default: This will restore your Backup files

Tweak B: Landscape MODs


1. Full Landscape MOD (Home & Lockscreen)

2. Only Homescreen Landscape MOD

3. Only Lockscreen Landscape MOD

4. Restore to Default: This will restore your Backup files

Tweak C: Change Smartsearch Priority

This tweak increases your phone's battery life slightly by limiting smartsearch from running with full priority

Tweak D: Virtual Keyboard (VKB) MODs

This tweak will add few alpha-numeric vkb’s in the following languages: English, Hebrew, French, Turkish, Italian, Slovak, Russian & Spanish.

You can Choose what to install/uninstall. The vkb's will stay normal in Landscape Mode.

1. Enlarge Landscape Virtual Keyboard: Enlarges the Landscape VKB. Gives an option to activate stretched spacebar for only UK/US English without having to enlarge the VKB. A REBOOT will be required for it to be applied.

2. Enable/ Disable extra settings for Swype: Adds extra settings for Swype under Time & Language in Settings

3. Enable/Disable terminal function keys – this will add key F1-F12 to terminal VKB

Tweak E: Games MODs

This tweak allows you to save the game in the following games:

- Samuai II

- Gears

- Roboto

- Konas Crate

This tweak also allows you to Disable NFC in Angry Birds Magic

Lastly, you can now have access to the Mighty Eagle in Angry Birds Classic

Tweak F: Lock screen & Low Power Screen (LPS) MODs

This tweak allows adding an operator logo to your lockscreen without using LPMCustomizer.

The tweak will change the date size to a slightly larger and regular clock font to BOLD.

Options for changing color of the date & clock on both the lock screen and low power screen are also present.

A custom Clock & Date for Lock Screen can be chosen too.

{This Tweak's explanations are not complete pending some clarifications with the developer of the app}

Tweak G: Changing GPS Provider / Adding Traffic to the Drive App

Changing GPS provider gives you the option to choose between Nokia & Google.

SuplForced can be changed from "false" to "true" and vice-versa with this tweak too.

Traffic in Drive App allows you to Enable/Disable Traffic + Day/Night/Automatic Mode for Map Colours + Time to Destination in Drive App.

This tweak may be updated regularly so if you wish to update it, run "restore to default" in this tweak first before re-applying the tweak.

Tweak H: Enable ROOT-SSH Access & Root Filebox

Allows you to acitvate SSH access for "ROOT" & "USER" users.

Auto-restart SSH is added too.

You can use this tweak to change "ROOT" & "USER" users' passwords.

Lastly, this tweak gives you the option to apply or remove root access to the Filebox app

Tweak I: Add additional IM's (Extraplugins from Store)

This tweak adds additional IM providers [including but not limited to ICQ/MSN/Yahoo/AOL/Jabber/VK] to the N9's Accounts app with system integration.

A REBOOT is required to apply this tweak!

If you have applied this tweak from versions prior to {Clarification needed} you need to do the following in terminal as ROOT:

apt-get remove im-providers-additional telepathy-haze libpurple0


From Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> Remove im-providers-additional , telepathy-haze & libpurple0

If you installed a similar tweak from other sources, the following packages need to be REMOVED BEFORE applying this tweak:













Tweak J: Remove/Restore Unnecessary Icons

This tweak allows you to remove/restore but NOT uninstall. Examples of such apps include facebook, twitter, User guide etc.

You can remove more than one app by entering multiple numbers with a space between them [E.g. 2 4 6 then ENTER].

Tweak L: Change Outgoing & Incoming Call Icons

Change your Outgoing and Incoming Call History Icons. You need to REBOOT to apply changes.

Tweak M: Browser MODs

Opera as default browser/open multiple Opera windows: Set Opera as your default browser along with opening multiple Opera windows

Opera tablet: Add Opera tablet allowing you to set this too as your default browser.

Change User Agent of the Stock Browser [aka Web]: This tweak requires INCEPTION to be pre-installed. Available options for the User Agent are as follows:

- iOS

- Android

- Revert to Default

Tweak N: Restore your favorite Ringtones

Put your desired ringtones in /home/user/MyDocs/.myringtones

Now apply tweak N after which all these ringtones will be copied to /usr/share/sounds/ring-tones

After this you can change your ringtones in Settings -> Sounds and Vibration -> Ringtone

Tweak O: Catch OVI Store Applications

Store a .deb file of your apps for easy installation in the future [e.g. after flashing / clearing device].

Run this tweak -> Open Ovi Store and Click Download on the App which you would like to store

Once the app is caught, a message will be displayed in N9QTweak to show a successful interception. Your downloaded file is stored in your "Downloads" folder. Remember to add a .deb extension to the file caught.

This tweak comes with a handy option to add an icon to the homescreen for easy catching.

Tweak P: Add/Remove folder to/from Tracker

The advantage of this tweak is to allow you to add or remove folders residing in MyDocs from Tracker IgnoredDirectory [e.g. you have some explicit material not wanting to appear in gallery or videos but to be opened only by Filebox just put it into a folder and add it to Tracker IgnoredDirectory].

You can backup your settings too so the new tracker settings will be restored if/when you require.

Tweak Q: Enlarge Caller ID Avatar

Enlarge or Restore to Default the Caller ID Avatar.

A Bigger Avatar with square corners can be applied too.

This Tweak requires a REBOOT.

Tweak R: Change Standard Emoticons

New set of Emoticons for your viewing pleasure.

Tweak S: Boost the Playback Volume

Increase the Playback Volume from 66% [default] to 100%.

Warning: This can potentially damage your hardware. The author will not be held responsible for any damage done. Use with caution.

Also change PreDriv setting in "alsamixer" with this tweak.

Tweak T: System UI MODs

Two versions of System UI MODs are created by MohammadAG and Coderus.

Only ONE can be used at a time. NO Mixing should be done!!!

1. Unrestricted MT-Toggles: Open Mode or Inception along with N9 PR1.3 is compulsory

    Two options are available under this main option:
    1. Coderus toggles: You CAN'T use MohammadAG repo for future updates.
    2. MohammadAG toggles: You CAN use MohammadAG repo for future updates.

Features of BOTH the above toggles:

- Latest Version of Unrestricted System-ui [From MAG]

- Music Controls by MAG: Auto-Hidden; ONLY seen when you play music

- Status Updater by MAG

- Battery Percentage by MAG

- Availability or PresenceX by Coderus

- Hacky-Brightness Applet by Coderus

Toggles in Coderus' Version:

- Bluetooth


- Flightmode

- Flashlight

- Cellular-toggle

Toggles in MAG's version:

- Bluetooth


- Flightmode

- Flashlight

- Orientation Lock

There is a possibility of getting a SAFE MODE icon on your status menu after a reboot. DON'T PANIC!!!

Just click the icon and choose "YES" which will do a refresh of your status bar and everything will work fine again.

The above non-fatal issue is caused by Status Updater. You might want to Uninstall it to prevent the non-fatal issue.

Important Notes w.r.t. MT-Toggles & System UI Extensions

Installation of Unrestricted System-UI and/or MT-Toggles is NOT COMPATIBLE with System UI Extensions.

To use either while having the other installed, just uninstall the other using the options available.


1. Password changer for HackyBrightness applet:

At times after a reboot, HackyBrightness will not work with only Standard Brightness applet working. Fix this by running this tweak and re-inserting your "ROOT" password.

2. Rearrange status menu plugins:

Installation of System UI MODs will mess up the arrangement of all applets.

This option arranges all your INSTALLED APPLETS ONLY.

Names of applets must follow as those in the list!

If you require to re-arrange ALL APPLETS do it manuall in this file: /etc/status-menu-items-order.conf

3. Logout quick status updater:

When Quick Status Updater stops working, use this tweak to logout and re-login.

2. System UI Extensions

This tweak is still in BETA so tread with caution!

Pre-requisites for using System UI Extensions:

- Removal of Unrestricted System-UI & MT-Toggles, if present

- Uninstallation of previous versions upto 0.0.3f before any new upgrade is done.

- New upgrades can be done by just installing over the current installation for versions higher than 0.0.3f.

This tweak will add a new entry in Settings -> Applications -> Status Menu Extensions

You can Deactivate any toggle by LONG PRESSING.

Re-arrange toggles by using a SHORT PRESS.

Tweak U: Zoom in Video Recording & Silent Sounds

Add/remove zoom option in Video Recording mode.

Add/restore silent sounds to Photo & Video Camera.

This Tweak Requires a REBOOT.

Tweak W: Homescreen Setting

{Add a condensed version of Tweak Explanation Here}

Tweak X: Enlarge/Restore Conversation Font Size

You can modify the Font Size and Timestamp for Outgoing/Incoming Messages.

Another option in this tweak is to have a BOLD or LIGHT FONT.

Tweak Y: Customize the Statusbar Clock & Clock UI

Options to change your statusbar clock to HH:MM | DAY DATE OR HH:MM AM/PM | DAY DATE OR a custom string.

Refer to www.linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_date.htm for custom string details.

This tweak auto-refreshes so once applied your statusbar will restart on its own.

Further options with under this tweak is 7 Options for enlarging Clock UI and enlarging Alarm UI.

Some pics:

Tweak AA: Uninstall Original Apps [UNDER TESTING]

ONLY to be used by PRO/ADVANCED Users!!!

Under Testing currently, will replace Tweak QQ in the future.

If tweak QQ has been used before, restore all apps back by using Tweak QQ-4.

If further apps were uninstalled not in Tweak QQ restore them before restoring using QQ-4.

To use Tweak AA, you need to choose whether you are running mp-harmattan-001-pr or mp-harmattan-005-pr.

When removing apps, MAKE SURE the mp-harmattan-001/005-pr package is NOT being removed too! This will break your system otherwise!

A typical Twitter uninstallation should look like:

The following packages will be REMOVED









0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 8 to remove and 0 not upgraded

Again, ENSURE there is no mp-harmattan-001/005-pr package to be removed too.

If you see the mp-harmattan package being removed too, cancel the removal, restore all apps using this tweak along with a re-installation of mp-harmattan before trying to uninstall an app again.

Tweak BB: Display Tweaker

1. Enable/Disable automatic brightness – You can enable or disable automatic brightness. You also have option for tuning of brightness (from 0 to 225), you can use this after disabling auto-brightness.

WARNING: DON’T put this string to "0", this will switch off your screen!!!

2. Display timeout – You can change which timeout you want in Settings > Device > Display

3. Screen blanking ON/OFF - Enable or disable if screen will go to sleep mode (blanking)


Activate/Deactivate Adhoc at startup for USA users as well as allowing you to change the WLAN MAC address.

Tweak DD: Resize Icon and Text on App Launcher

Options available range from shrinkng icons and text to fit 6 in one row, default [5 in a row] to larger icons [3 in a row].

This Tweak requires a REFRESH to be applied correctly!

Tweak EE: Screen Rotation Sensitivity

Change the sensitivity of Accelerometer. Tweak will auto-refresh once applied.

Landscape & Portrait (1 & 2): The higher the value, the more you need to rotate the phone to rotate the screen.

Accelerometer: The higher the value, the more the sensitivity meaning rotating the phone less for rotating the screen.

Tweak FF: N9 QRefresh & N9QT Splash Images

Either one of two refresh options can be added to your Homescreen:

F for Full Refresh - This is full refresh encompassing the statusbar, lockscreen and homescreen.

S for Soft Refresh - This simple refreshes the statusbar and lockscreen.

Another option in the tweak is to Change the Splash Image of N9QTweak. You can choose a few different colours to do so.

Tweak GG: Change Boot Video & Startup Images

This tweak consists of two parts; changing boot video and/or the startup images.

For Boot Video: Create a short video with the name bootvideo.mp4 and place it in /home/user/MyDocs/Movies/.Bootvideo If the directory isn't present just create it first!

To apply your new Boot Video choose option 1 from the tweak.

For startup images you need to create 3 images with the following names:

- startup1.png

- startup2.jpg

- startup3.jpg

Take note of the extension difference between images 1 and 2&3. Place these startup images in /home/user/MyDocs/Movies/.Bootvideo and choose option 2 from tweak to apply.

For sample boot videos you can download some from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17706605/Bootvideo.zip