Miniature/Development/Phase 0: Project setup
The goal of this phase is to have all the elements in place to start the development, get feedback and contributors.
- Code repository - DONE
- Garage project - DONE
- Developer list - DONE
- Documentation wiki - DONE
- User Talk thread - DONE
- 2009-11-10: Phase 0 DONE
- 2009-11-10: Current documentation organized in Miniature/Development and subpages.
- 2009-11-10: Miniature/Development/Instructions to setup the Miniature development environment.
- 2009-11-06: Code repository created: - source code exists since the beginning.
- 2009-11-06: First post in the developer mailing list:
- 2009-11-03: Roadmapping started.
- 2009-11-03: Plann for first phases started.
- 2009-10-31: Miniature wiki page created.
- 2009-10-31: "Miniature" project name decided.
- 2009-10-31: Garage project created:
- 2009-10-31: Talk thread created: Contributors needed: the killer free chess game for Maemo
- Setup development environment
- DONE: Miniature is hosted @ Gitorious. It uses the community port of Qt and autotroll. Warning: Miniature uses the no_keyword switch since some of the Qt macros have very common names that can lead to wierd debug sessions. It's defensive programming, and not too bad, really.
- Setup communication channels
- DONE: ML @ Garage: [1]
- DONE: IRC channel @ #miniature @
About setting up the environment
- Preview of Qt for Maemo Developers Guide
- Official Qt 4.6 port for Maemo 5, including mailing list for developer feedback.
- A more comprehensive guide can be found here.
- The Qt 4.6 packages are about to land in extras-devel