
Period: 18 May 2009 - 31 May 2009. Testing period: 1 June - 7 June Release




Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed Urgent for next release


  • If you want to take on a task, write your nickname in the task item (at the ?) contact the mentor of the task.
  • If you want something tested when the task is done, move the task to Component: Testing, tell the mentor of the testing component, and change Owner, Mentor

to "?, your nickname". You're now the mentor for the tester in this particular task.

  • If you want to propose a task, contact the mentor of the component
  • If you find a bug, report it on in the Mer product.

Component: Documentation


  • None at the moment, ask Stskeeps

High-level goals for 0.14:

  • Provide initial documentation for Nokia N8x0 installation, jffs2 and installer version with screenshots
  • Establish "initial" Mer developer documentation, linking to Maemo developer documentation and indicating sections which are still valid
  • Locate a mentor for this area
Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓

Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to development of this component in this sprint, please convert into tasks or refute bug.

no bugzilla tickets were found

Component: Builders and developer tools


  • lbt

High-level goals for sprints 0.14:

  • Finishing integration of Mer into OpenSUSE Build Service
  • Document development procedure and work on integrating Maemo Extras uploader with OBS
  • Document OBS work and present at Maemo/Mozilla Danish Weekend to staff etc.
  • Establish roles of this area for the future
Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓
2008-03-16 Investigate usage of OpenSUSE Build Service as builder and SDK ability lbt, Stskeeps 80% Meeting on #mer with OBS people, making good progress.
not yet Discuss with their requirements for including Mer repository and builders Stskeeps 0% Will be done at Copenhagen developer meeting
2009-01-17 Move project from launchpad to garage Stskeeps 40% Project retrieved (,

Mer on Blockers:

Multiple git repositories per project

Personal git repositories.

Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to development of this component in this sprint, please convert into tasks or refute bug.

no bugzilla tickets were found

Component: Ports and base system


  • Stskeeps

High level goals for sprints 0.14:

  • OBS support for:
    • 770
    • Pocket Loox
    • Beagleboard
    • Freerunner
  • Improve hardware support for:
    • SmartQ5
    • N8x0
Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓
not yet Implement hald-addon-bme open source based on dummy BME and Mer/Documentation/BME_Protocol , see this for example  ?, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Implement a libconic ICD dbus messages handler relaying to NetworkManager  ?, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Adapt imager scripts for Beagleboard to be using .scr like in  ?, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Include patch from MB2249 in Mer kernels  ?, andre_ 0%
not yet Include patch from MB2504 in cx3110x-module-src and rebuild cx3110x-module  ?, Stskeeps 0%

Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to development of this component in this sprint, please convert into tasks or refute bug.

IDSeverityProductStatusResolutionSummary (2 tasks) Assignee
2504+normalConnectivityRESOLVEDWONTFIXTypo in cx3110 driverKalle Valo
2249enhancementCoreRESOLVEDWONTFIXFM Radio frequency not set for use in Japanunassigned

Component: User interface (code)


  • None at the moment, ask Stskeeps

High level goals for sprints 0.14:

  • Start building generic control panel applets for the Mer system
  • Locate a mentor for this area
Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓
not yet Implement Mer/Blueprints/About_product_CPA none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Implement Mer/Blueprints/Date_and_time_CPA none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Implement Mer/Blueprints/Display_CPA none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Implement Mer/Blueprints/Memory_CPA none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Port Xournal none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Port Modest neatojones, Stskeeps 0% (not sure anyone would use it, but it is for some libraries that other apps need.) Need to import microb-engine first since it's a dependency. Might try libwebkit instead of mozilla.
not yet Port claws-mail (hildonized none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Port BoaFM none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Port Canola2 and associated python libraries none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Port Tear none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Port a proper PDF reader none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet package a tslib calibration tool for X or framebuffer? none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet home applets behave oddly when in non-800x480 none, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Patch libvte with further maemo changes (blinking interval, Enter, etc) none 0%
not yet Figure out why Hildon Input Method refuses to show when under Xomap  ?, Stskeeps 0% none
not yet Screen should not dim and turn off during first boot wizard  ?, Stskeeps 0% works fine for keeping the screen alive. It just needs D-Bus running so it can osso_initialize properly. Quick patch so it actually compiles under Mer: Apply patch, run "apt-get install libosso-dev && gcc noscreenblank.c -o noscreenblank `pkg-config --cflags --libs libosso". qwerty12 is also available for integrating the above functionality into zenity itself.
not yet Magic X menu stretches too far, before adding v ^ buttons.  ?, Stskeeps 0% none
not yet Magic X menu should have current app highlighted and in top of list  ?, Stskeeps 0% none
not yet Update Midori Mer package  ?, Stskeeps 0%
not yet Chase missing or malplaced icons b-man, stskeeps 0%
not yet Fix  ?, Stskeeps 0%

Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to development of this component in this sprint, please convert into tasks or refute bug.

IDSeverityProductStatusResolutionSummary (4 tasks) Assignee
4243normalMerRESOLVEDWONTFIXOrganize of Applications Panel not responsiveCarsten Munk
4256normalMerRESOLVEDWONTFIXPressure events are not picked up by gtk.Carsten Munk
4258criticalMerRESOLVEDWONTFIXclock plugin kills task managerCarsten Munk
4250normalMerRESOLVEDWONTFIXInitial configuration - Root Password Confirmation Prompt - No virtual keyboardCarsten Munk

Component: User interface (artwork)


  • wazd

High level goals for sprints 0.11 and 0.12:

  • Provide a flurry of themes, icons, backgrounds (in multiple resolutions) to make Mer look pretty.
Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓
not yet Make replacement(s) for SDK icons (hildon-icons) Meizirkki, wazd 40% List of Hildon icons and their Oxygen-based replacements: . About half of the icons replaced.
not yet Develop new themes based on -mer layout none, wazd 0% none

Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to development of this component in this sprint, please convert into tasks or refute bug.

no bugzilla tickets were found

Component: User interface (localization)


  • claudius/Claudius Henrichs

High level goals:

  • Establish procedures and workflow at Copenhagen meeting
  • Bootstrap localization project
Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓
not yet Work with & Transifex claudius 10% Stskeeps: submitted initial l10n and it got refused by launchpad.
not yet Find and package l10n for osso-xterm  ?, Stskeeps 0% none
not yet look at timeless' enus stuff in extras none, timeless 0%

Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to development of this component in this sprint, please convert into tasks or refute bug.

no bugzilla tickets were found

Component: Outreach


  • mtc (Chief Evangelist)

High level goals:

  • Recruitment, presentations, developer meetings, - reaching out to potential community members.

Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓
2009-03 MozillaMaemoDanishWeekend - preparing for the Mer part Stskeeps 50% Mer/HackfestCopenhagen09, iTT post

Component: Testing


  • Meizirkki

High level goals:

  • This is where all needed items to be tested are put.
Committed & Target   ↓ Task   ↓ Owner, Mentor/Suggested by   ↓ %   ↓ Highlights   ↓
not yet Make hildon-desktop-env use a configuration file to determine wether it needs to show cursor or not (useful for x86)  ?, johnx 95% Could use some testing on x86s with touchscreens

Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to development of this component in this sprint, please convert into tasks or refute bug.

no bugzilla tickets were found


Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to Mer development but not within Mer:

IDSeverityProductStatusResolutionSummary (9 tasks) Assignee
4178+majorDesktop platformRESOLVEDFIXEDhildon-input-method needs a finger keyboard exampleMurray Cumming
4101enhancementMerRESOLVEDWONTFIXzenity list should allow clicking in any column for radio and check listsCarsten Munk
4102normalMerRESOLVEDWONTFIX(dpkg?) error message shouldn't say "reached already"Carsten Munk
4111normalMerRESOLVEDWONTFIXinstall catalog details dialog is fatally modalCarsten Munk
3858+normalSystem softwareRESOLVEDFIXEDmaemo-launcher build-depends on libhildondesktop-dev, which in turn build-depends on maemo-launcher-devGuillem Jover
4148normalMerRESOLVEDWONTFIXalarmd should use '.' instead of 'source' in '/bin/sh' scriptsCarsten Munk
4023+criticalDesktop platformRESOLVEDWONTFIXSapwood doesn't align PixbufOpenRequest properly (crash on 770)Sven Herzberg
3939+normalDesktop platformRESOLVEDWONTFIXsapwood loops infinitely at malformed requestunassigned
4043+enhancementSettings and MaintenanceRESOLVEDFIXEDApplication Manager should not depend on "user" accountunassigned