

This page is for MADDE FAQ

What is MADDE?

MADDE stands for Maemo Application Development and Debugging Environment. It is SDK for cross compile, debug and package new application for Maemo. It is not meant to use to build debian packages that use Autotools or anything that aids compilation by figuring out native system information.

What platforms are supported?

MADDE supports Windows (XP, Vista, 7), Linux variants, Mac OS X (Snow Leopard). It probably works on other Unix variants too but it is not tested there.

Where can I get MADDE?

You can download the installer from MADDE downloads

How do I install MADDE?

Installation instructions can be found from main page MADDE

How do I setup cross compilation environment?

Cross compilation environment is created by using 'mad-admin create target' command. You can list supported targets by using 'mad list targets' command.

How do I use created cross compilation target?

Usually you compile your program by using Makefile and make command. Now you can give command 'mad -t <target> make' and compilation is done by using cross compilation environment named <target>.

Why all toolchains and sysroots for available targets do not come with installer?

All developer do not need all targets. Installation is faster when unneeded components do not come with installer and this approach makes easier to provide more targets in future.

Can I use several targets simultaneously?

Yes you can. When you have created several targets use 'mad -t <target>' to cross compile for <target>.

How well does MADDE work for GTK+ development (in C)?

MADDE works well for GTK+ development (in C). At minimum the lines 'pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0' (for sourrce to object file compiling) and 'pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0' (for linking) is needed in your Makefile

Use 'mad pkg-config --list-all' to see some other (gtk) modules you may need.

(Note that if you try to run gcc compilation from command line outside mad environment the line must be like

mad gcc -o foo foo.c `mad pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0'

to get both gcc and pkg-config be run inside mad environment -- When inside Makefile this is not a problem as whole make is run inside mad environment...).