
Sleeper is a widget for the Maemo desktop which allows your N900 to pause the music player (or the Panucci audiobook player) after a defined amount of time (e.g. 15 minutes). It's handy when listening to music while falling asleep.

The upcoming version will have a number of new features: The widget shows a small vertical (or horizontal) bar with 0...n icons, each one representing a default value (e.g. 5,15,30,60). Through the configuration setting, you can edit the values shown, the orientation of the icon bar, and whether the widget icon is drawn and whether banners are used to the display the start and stop of timers.

The main author is Tom Waelti (initial version, extensive settings), additional work was done by Thomas Perl (Panucci integration, refactoring). Thanks also to the author of TouchSearch for the nice code for widget settings - saved me HOURS :-)


* 1.0: Merged with work from tpl, fully configurable through settings dialogue.
 * 0.2.x: Unofficial versions by tpl, inclusion of Panucci support, refactoring.
 * 0.2.0: First well working release
 * 0.1.0: (Don't remember)

Roadmap: - Add support for other media players if they are accessible through D-Bus

Wishlist: Use this space to add possible feature wishes: - WISH (YOUR NAME) - Shutdown the N900 (twaelti)