PyMaemo/Accessing APIs without Python bindings/More examples

More examples

This page contains some other example code using ctypes. Note that they are not complete, and assume some code already shown on the main article.

Searching contacts by phone number

Searching contacts by phone number can be done using the osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts_for_phone_number() function:

def aggregator_ready_cb(aggregator, error, user_data):
    contacts = osso_abook.osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts_for_phone_number(aggregator, phone_number, 1)
    if contacts:
        print "Contacts with phone number %s:" % phone_number
        for i in glist(contacts):
            contact_get_display_name = osso_abook.osso_abook_contact_get_display_name
            contact_get_display_name.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
            print contact_get_display_name(i)
        print "No contacts found with phone number %s." % phone_number


aggregator = osso_abook.osso_abook_aggregator_get_default(0)
wait_cb_type = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p)
# Keep prototype object reference so it is not destroyed
cb_proto = wait_cb_type(aggregator_ready_cb)
osso_abook.osso_abook_waitable_call_when_ready(aggregator, cb_proto, 0, 0)
