
FICS tests

Game Endings

This table contains every possible way to end a game in FICS. They all are listed from a players perspective. Please note that "player" in this test cases always uses Miniature and "opponent" an other client application ot just plain telnet. Please feel free to comlete things if not completed:

# Game's endReason Activepart Steps to reproduce Expected result Actual result FICS log Alreadytested? Testresult
1.1.1 Abort request during move 1 by player (white) player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Player: Request "Abort game"

  • Game ends immidiately
  • no rating modification happens
  • SeekGames Window appears
See Bug 12410
1.1.2 Abort request during move 1 by player (black) player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Opponent: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Player: Request "Abort game"

  • Game ends immidiately
  • no rating modification happens
  • SeekGames Window appears
See Bug 12410
1.2.1 Abort request during move 1 by opponent opponent  1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client) as white

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Opponent: Request "Abort game"

  • Game ends immidiately
  • no rating modification happens
  • Dialog with explanation appears: "Game aborted on move 1"
  • SeekGames Window appears
1.2.2 Abort request during move 1 by opponent opponent  1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatur, opponent using an other client) as black

2. Opponent: Request "Abort game"

  • Game ends immidiately
  • no rating modification happens
  • Dialog with explanation appears: "Game aborted on move 1"
  • SeekGames Window appears

Abort request after turn 1 by player:Opponent accepts


1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Opponent: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Player: Request "Abort game"

5. Opponent accepts this request

  • game's end dialog
See Bug 12410
1.3.2 Abort request after turn 1 by player:Opponent declines opponent

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Opponent: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Player: Request "Abort game"

5. Opponent declines this request

See Bug 12410

Abort request after turn 1 by opponent:

Player accepts


1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Opponent: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Player: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Opponent: Request "Abort game"

  • A non modal dialog (not overlaping the board) appears: "Opponent requests abort." + button "accept" + button "decline"
  • On accept: games end dialog

Abort request after turn 1 by opponent:Player declines


1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Opponent: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Player: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Opponent: Request "Abort game"

  • A non modal dialog (not overlaping the board) appears: "Opponent requests abort." + button "accept" + button "decline"
  • On decline: Confirmation of this by an information banner which appears for 5 seconds "Abort request declined"
2.1.1 Player proposes draw: Opponent accepts opponent

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Opponent: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Player: Request "Propose Draw"

5. Opponent accepts this request

  • game's end dialog with headline "game drawn!"
2.1.2 Player proposes draw: Opponent declines opponent

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Opponent: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Player: Request "Propose Draw"

5. Opponent declines this request

2.2.1 Opponent proposes draw: Player accepts player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Opponent: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Player: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Opponent: Request "Propose Draw"

  • A non modal dialog (not overlaping the board) appears: "Opponent offers draw." + button "accept" + button "decline"
  • On accept: game's end dialog
2.2.2 Opponent proposes draw: Player declines player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Opponent: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Player: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Opponent: Request "Propose draw"

  • A non modal dialog (not overlaping the board) appears: "Opponent offers draw." + button "accept" + button "decline"
  • On decline: Confirmation of this by an information banner which appears for 5 seconds "Abort request declined"

Player proposes adjourn: Opponent accepts


same as in in 2.1.1 but "Adjourn request"

3.1.2 Player proposes adjourn:Opponent declines opponent

same as in 2.1.2 but "Adjourn request"

3.2.1 Opponent proposes adjourn: Player accepts player

same as in 2.2.1 but "Adjourn request"

3.2.2 Opponent proposes adjourn: Player declines player

same as in 2.2.2 but "Adjourn request"

4.1 Player resigns by request player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Opponent: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Player: Request "Resign game"

4.2 Opponent resigns by request opponent

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client)

2. Opponent: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Player: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Opponent: Request "Resign game"

5.1 Player forfelts on time player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client): 1 minute + 0 seconds increment.

2. Wait until players time is over

5.2 Opponent forfelts on time opponent

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client): 1 minute + 0 seconds increment.

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Wait until opponents time is over

6.1 Checkmate: player wins player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client) as black

2. Opponent: Make a move (1. f3)

3. Player: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Opponent: Make a move (2. g4)

5. Player: Make a move (2. ...Dh4#)

6.2 Checkmate: opponent wins opponent

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client) as white

2. Player: Make a move (1. f3)

3. Opponent: Make a move (1. ...e5)

4. Player: Make a move (2. g4)

5. Opponent: Make a move (2. ...Dh4#)

7.1 Stalemate: players move player tbd
7.2 Stalemate: opponents move opponent tbd
8.1 Draw: insufficient material:Players move player tbd
8.2 Draw: insufficient material:Opponents move opponent tbd
9.1 Draw: 50-moves rule:Players move player tbd
9.2 Draw: 50 moves rule:Opponents move opponent tbd
10.1 Draw: threefold repititionPlayers move player tbd
10.2 Draw: threefold repititionOpponents move opponent tbd
11.1.1 Connection lost (by player) during players turn player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client) as white

2. Disconnect players client

  • A dialog appears "Reconnect and resume game?" + button "Yes" + button "No"
  • Now Opponent has to decide: "Resume yes" or "Resume no"

Connection lost (by player) during opponents turn


1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client) as white

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Disconnect players client

  • A dialog appears "Reconnect and resume game?" + button "Yes" + button "No"
  • Now Opponent has to decide: "Resume yes" or "Resume no"
11.2.1 Connection lost (by opponent) during opponents turn opponent

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client) as white

2. Player: Make a move (1. e4)

3. Disconnect opponents client

11.2.2 Connection lost (by opponent) during players turn player

1. Player/Opponent: Start a game (Player using Miniatuer, opponent using an other client) as white

2. Disconnect opponent client
