
Miniature - Play chess everywhere you go!
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Project status

Tasks for the next release get a HIGH priority. All the rest falls in the Backlog.

Miniature 0.5 release

Tasks COMMITTED for Miniature 0.5.

IDSeverityPassigneeStatusResolutionSummary (28 tasks)
12341enhancementHighNEWFilter buttons for FICS seeks could be simpler
12356enhancementHighNEWMiniature should remeber the value used the last time
12376enhancementHighNEWMiniature should be able to resume adjourned FICS games
12411enhancementHighNEWOnlineBoard: Implement game end dialog for abort during move 1
12421enhancementHighNEWVibration or sound notification if opponent moves
12367majorHighNEWSeek search filters don't work
12424majorHighNEW[Discussion] OnlineBoard: Implement a better game's end dialog
12434majorHighNEWSeekGame doesn't filter Atomic games
12525minorHighNEWClock keeps running after finishing a game
12380normalHighNEWMiniature doesn't handle "unseek"
12414normalHighNEWOnlineBoard: Implement dialog for abort requests
12433normalHighNEWEnd game confirmation dialogs should lead to gameoverDialog
12524normalHighNEWChat is cut when a game is finished
12456enhancementHighRESOLVEDFIXEDMiniature official support for Maemo
12420normalHighRESOLVEDFIXEDMiniature crashes on closing the application from recents view
12345criticalHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMiniature's i18n is missing
12426criticalHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMiniature doesn't handle draw requests
12351enhancementHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMake move confirmation an option or remove it
12359enhancementHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMiniature FICS user must fill id & password every time
12390enhancementHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMake last turn visible
12455enhancementHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMiniature chat area use is not obvious
12394majorHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMiniature should set autoflag 1 automatically
12408majorHighVERIFIEDFIXEDSome registered users can't play Miniature as white
12419minorHighVERIFIEDFIXEDAbout Miniature dialog: "i" button is hiding a part of a link
7867normalHighVERIFIEDFIXEDDisplay shouldn't dim while playing a game
12435normalHighVERIFIEDFIXEDMiniature should recognize games forfeited on time
12464normalHighVERIFIEDFIXEDPlayers with rating of less 1000 points cannot reliably use Miniature
12470normalHighVERIFIEDFIXEDCheck mate needs to be parsed and processed in Miniature


IDSeverityPassigneeStatusResolutionSummary (20 tasks)
8142enhancementLowNEWChess games logs need to be stored somewhere
12346normalMediumNEWMiniature needs a proper repository
12348majorMediumNEWMiniature for MeeGo CE doesn't show TextField
12354normalMediumNEWList of games: Show available game offers only
12360normalMediumNEWList of games: Function of the Back-Arrow unclear. Confirmation Dialogue needed?
12392enhancementLowNEWShow how much material is left for each player
12396enhancementMediumNEWImplement dialog for challanges
12410enhancementMediumNEWOnlineBoard: Implement item "abort" in back menu
12413normalMediumNEWThe chat log doesn't show the last line when the local user posts
12422minorLowNEWShow application close button in the upper right corner
12423enhancementMediumNEWExtend chat feature
12427normalMediumNEWMiniature doesn't handle adjourn requests
12431enhancementMediumNEWSeekGames: Do not show more than 50 games in the list at once (was: Implement "clear list" function)
12439enhancementMediumNEWEnable breadcrumbs in the wiki (
12443enhancementMediumNEWFICS Setting: Implement an option to send game notation after a game ends
12469minorLowNEWInitial value of localSide.rating == 0 for Miniature registered users
12504enhancementMediumNEWafter failed login, VKB pops up even if in info screen
12539criticalUnspecifiedNEWInstallation on the N900 fails
12583majorUnspecifiedNEWNo hint that starting new games is impossible (number of adjourned games to high)
12592normalUnspecifiedNEWqtquickcompat is needed, but not listed as Depends

Easyfix (suited for newcomers)

enhancementLowNEWShow how much material is left for each player

Looking for more? There is more at the Wishlist.