
App Name Package name Version Status Bug(s) MeeCoLay version
Alcoholtester alcoholtester 1.0 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.1
Allegro allegro 1.0 Working N/A 0.9.0
Ceneo ceneo 1.0 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.1
Convert convert 0.1.0 Working Rotation lock required, not work key on statusbar 0.9.1
Ebay Bargains ebaybargains-fumbo 1.0.3 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.0
ESPNF1 espnf1 1.0 Working Rotation lock required, size screen too big on n900 0.9.1
guessCricket guesscricket 1.0.0 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.0
Ipla ipla 1.0 Working Rotation lock required, back key on player turn off app 0.9.1
Onet Live Zone livezoneharmattan 1.0 Working N/A 0.9.1
ProgramTV programtv 1.0 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.1
Shopper shopper 1.0 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.1
TVN24 tvn24 1.0.0 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.0
WynikiLotto wynikilotto 1.0 Working Rotation lock required 0.9.1
Ripoff colorbox 1.0 Unusable Black/white rectangles instead of graphics 0.9.1
Twoja Pogoda pogoda 1.0.0 Partially working Crashes the system 0.9.1
Angry Birds Magic NFC rovio 1.1.5 Not Working error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 0.9.1
Bejeweled 2 HD ea 0.0.60 not working error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 0.9.1
GApp gapp 0.9.5 Not working Segmentation fault 0.9.1
Jelly Wars jellywars-full 1.25.0 not working error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 0.9.1