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N9QTweak is a collection of tweaks and settings for your N9/50 device. With this app users no longer need to worry about applying various tweaks manually with added complications.
1) Download the .deb file either via AppsforMeego or from the TMO thread located at http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=80600
2) Transfer it to your phone and tap on it to install
3) A new icon will be created on the Homescreen at the end of successful installation. Clicking it will run the application.
4) A password prompt for user devel-su will appear where you have to enter a password (default is rootme). This password will not be visible as you type just press Enter after typing it.
Important Notes Before Running Any Tweaks
1) Run "Create Backup" [Tweak K] on first use of the app. This procedure does NOT need to be repeated when you wish to update to a newer version of the app.
2) Updating to a new version DOES NOT require you to run "Restore" from the app to undo any previous tweaks/mods.
3) Installation of new version is the same; just double click the new .deb file from your phone
4) In the event of not having a backup and requiring a clean backup download a CLEAN BACKUP from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17706605/N9QTweakBackup_8.6_all.zip
5) It is recommended to start with Tweak A first as Tweak A has some similar files to other tweaks which can result in other tweaks being restored too in the event Tweak A is restored if Tweak A was not installed first
6) Multiple tweaks can be appplied at once with one space between the letters before pressing ENTER [e.g. A B D E ... then pressing ENTER]
7) Some tweaks may need a refresh or reboot. You can apply them in the end of your session or in the end of the letters you want to apply at once. A single refresh or reboot will apply all the tweaks that require a refresh or reboot.
Tweaks Menu
Tweak A: Speed Up Transitions MODs
1. Full Speed Up Transition MOD: includes Landscape MOD for Home & Lockscreen.
2. Speed Up Transitions with Only Homescreen Landscape MOD
3. Speed Up Transitions with Only Lockscreen Landscape MOD
4. Only Speed Up Transitions - NO Landscape MOD
5. Restore to Default: This will restore your Backup files
Tweak B: Landscape MODs
1. Full Landscape MOD (Home & Lockscreen)
2. Only Homescreen Landscape MOD
3. Only Lockscreen Landscape MOD
4. Restore to Default: This will restore your Backup files
Tweak C: Change Smartsearch Priority
This tweak increases your phone's battery life slightly by limiting smartsearch from running with full priority
Tweak D: Virtual Keyboard (VKB) MODs
This tweak will add few alpha-numeric vkb’s in the following languages: English, Hebrew, French, Turkish, Italian, Slovak, Russian & Spanish.
You can Choose what to install/uninstall. The vkb's will stay normal in Landscape Mode.
1. Enlarge Landscape Virtual Keyboard: Enlarges the Landscape VKB. Gives an option to activate stretched spacebar for only UK/US English without having to enlarge the VKB. A REBOOT will be required for it to be applied.
2. Enable/ Disable extra settings for Swype
3. Enable/Disable terminal function keys – this will add key F1-F12 to terminal VKB