Community Council/Counting methods

The following referendum is to decide which method will be used to decide winners of Maemo Community Council elections. Three options are proposed: first past the post, single transferable vote and reweighted range voting.

Proposed options

The changes mentioned below will be made to items #4 and #5 in the Council election process.

  1. No change ("first-five-candidates-past-the-post")
    • Item #4 remains "Each community member gets one vote."
    • Item #5 remains "The 5 nominees with the most votes are elected."
  2. A single transferrable vote system (rank your preferred candidates) [council preferred option]
    • Item #4 becomes "Each community member eligible to vote gets a single ballot."
    • Item #5 becomes "The 5 nominees voted for most, as counted by a single transferrable vote system are elected."
    • This option is preferred by the Maemo Community Council as being easiest to understand and gives a satisfactory outcome.
  3. A reweighted range voting system (give *each* candidate a score 0-100)
    • Item #4 becomes "Each community member eligible to vote gets a single ballot."
    • Item #5 becomes "The 5 nominees ranked highest by a reweighted range voting system are elected."
  4. None of the above.
    • This option allows you to indicate that you think none of the options were satisfactory (i.e., you are submitting a spoiled ballot paper).