User:Jebba/Packages by Jebba


My Packages

These are packages I have built and are available in the maemo repository, packages I've built and are in my repository or packages I'd like to see built.

Uh, I actually have quite a few other packages submitted to the builder, but I need to go through someday (when isn't painfully slow to use) and see what the status is. I don't know of a way to even search packages by packager, but perhaps there is a way.

In Maemo Repository


  • Currently in extras.


  • BurgerSpace dependency.
  • Currently in extras.
  • Weird version numbering inherited from upstream Debian.


I have asterisk packages in extras-testing.

Connected to Asterisk currently running on Nokia-N900-42-11 (pid = 1692)

Asterisk Packages in Maemo extras-testing

Asterisk Bugzilla



ok, out of sheer frustration with missing diff utility (required by the GNU Coding Standards) I have packaged up "diffmo", which is diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp, but renamed to diffmo, diff3mo, sdiffmo, and cmpmo. :)

  • colordiff - would be nice too. I've built it, but it requires diff. May patch it up so it uses diffmo.

Packages in My Repository

I have set up a package repository. To use it you need to add my repo. In the application manager, add it thusly (I'm translating from Spanish, so the words may be slightly different.

  • Catalog name:
  • Web address:
  • Distribution
  • Components

Packages TODO

Package these or get someone to do it.

Dictionary / Translation

I'm really surprised there aren't a dozen of these.

  • fantasdic - dictionary


I have done an offline wikipedia reader for FREEEEE in the past, but it was only 2000 articles (though with images). Still way small.

  • evopedia looks rad - Gah, uses squashfs which isn't in the n900 kernel (no suprise there), but also isn't in the 2.6.28 kernel. Which would mean patching it in to a kernel that has branched quite a ways from mainline. Which means pain. :(


  • git - Poked at this for a bit based on git in Debian Sid and updated to the latest release, but they have so much other stuff going on in there, I'm just gonna start from scratch. It compiles and runs, but getting it all into a clean .deb is a mess right now. Also fails tests because there's no `expect` in repos yet.
  • some video conferencing app (telepathy-gabble), jingle etc.

  • tangogps - "an easy to use, fast and lightweight mapping application for use with or without GPS."
  • boa - lightweight webserver (cute). Using lighttpd, which seems to fit the bill already tho.
  • lshw - wants PCI stuff, so maybe won't work very well anyway. It doesn't show too much on my Sharp Netwalker.