Community Awards
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Thanks to Nokia's '12 Device Program (see TMO thread), we have 25 devices for Community Awards (10 N950's and 15 N9's).
The purpose of these awards is to recognize people that, for months/years have contributed, and continuously contribute, to Maemo Community.
A TMO thread is open to comment about this initiative.
Unlike other programs, target audience of Community Awards aren't only developers. Suitable candidates include (also) dedicated testers, helpers, hardware modders, contributing participants of brainstorms and so goes on. Usually, it's a mix of all presented above.
Please, bear in mind, that this is not a lottery and only people whose merits are well proven, have chances for receiving device.
Any member of can self-nominate to receive one device, from the Community Awards program. Accepting submissions will start at Monday, 28 May, 00:00 UTC, and will last for 3 weeks.
Only self-submissions are allowed, and they will be valid only if made via community mailing list. Submissions may contain rationale - short description of Your deeds for Community - but it's not required, as the Council will check history of candidate's contributions.
Submission must specify if someone is interested only in N950 or N9 (so, in case of not enough devices of preferred type, he/she will receive no prize), or will be satisfied by any type of prize.
People that already received N950s in any form before (dev programs, etc) can't submit for / receive another one, but they can submit for N9.
Please, include in the mail with your self-nomination your username at
Council will choose winners in its discretion, in no more than a week time (so winners will be announced no more than 4 weeks after starting receiving submissions) - could be less.
Community Awards are granted for past deeds, so no future projects/promises, etc will be taken into account by Council.
List of people submitting to program is updated at least once per week. Actual list include:
- Niel Nielsen (nieldk), applies for N950.
- Kenneth Kasilag (Hurrian), applies for any device.
- Paolo Iommarini (sakya), applies for N950 (will also accept N9).
- Roman Moravcik (rmoravcik), applies for N9.
- Pavol Rohár (pali), applies for N950.
- Aniello Del Sorbo (anidel), applies for N9.
- Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh (MohammadAG), applies for N9.
- Andy Hagon (AndyNokia232), applies for N950.
- Simón Pena Placer (Bulfaiter), applies for N9.
- Christian Ratzenhofer (merlin1991), applies for N950.
- Luke Jr (luke-jr), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Daniele Maio (b0unc3), applies for N9.
- Fred Lefévère-Laoide (fredoll), applies for N9.
- Ilya Skriblovsky (Mitrandir), applies for N9.
- Ivaylo Dimitrov (freemangordon), applies for N950.
- Felipe Crochik (fcrochik), applies for N9.
- Mikko Koskenranta (MiK546), applies for any device.
- Vlad Vasilyeu (vasvlad), applies for N9.
- Ruediger Schiller, (chemist), applies for any device.
- Holger Nahrstaedt (HolgerN), applies for any device.
- Koos Vriezen (koos) applies for N9.
- Assaf Paz (damagedspline) applies for N9.
- Kimitake (Kimitake), applies for N9.
- Akos Polster (pipacs), applies for N9.
- Matan Ziv-Av (matan), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Paul Sleggs (vi_) applies for N950.
- Karsten van Herwaarden (MrPingu), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Alan Bruce (qole) applies for N9.
- Robert Bauer (SD69), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Danilo Luvizotto (traysh), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Ed Bartosh (ed_), applies for N9 (would also accept N950).
- Ejas Mudar (ejasmudar), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Simon La Rose (hawaii), applies for N9.
- Michael Cronenworth (mooninite), applies for N9.
- Sanjeev Visvanatha (eipi), applies for N9.
- Max Usachev (plastun), applies for any device.
- Ivan Galvez Junquera (ivgalvez), applies for N9.
- Rob Simpson (Robbiethe1st), applies for N9.
- Marcin Mielniczuk (marmistrz), applies for any device.
- Harald Schmitt, (hschmitt), applies for any device.
- Dennis Groenen (iDont) applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Ahcene Boubekki (opax), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Erik Hovland (microe), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Rainer Dorsch (rdorsch), applies for any device.
- Alexey Roslyakov (e-yes), applies for N950.
- Mikhail Ramalho, (mikhail_ramalho), applies for N9.
- Xabier Rodríguez (calvaris), applies for N9.
- Philippe "RzR" Coval (, applies for N950.
- Piotr Jawidzyk (Estel), applies for N950.
- Jed Leahy (jalyst), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Marco Geiger (almamo), applies for N9 (would also accept N950).
- Node One (itsnotabigtruck), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
Submissions already discarded after a first review:
- Kent Madarcos (kent_autistic), applies for N9.
- Indri Puspita W (ibrakalifa), applies for N950.
- Praveen Chand (praveenchand), applies for N950.
- Gregory Kovelman (drucula), applies for any device.
- Tiago Lopes (trlopes1974), applies for any device.
- Jesús Carballo (jecargo22), applies for N9.
- Sonv Dubey (Sourav.Dubey), applies for any device.
- zimon (zimon), applies for any device.
- Tobias Merk (Dr.Heyde), applies for N950.
- Sifo (Sifo) applies for any device.
- Francesco Vollero (Fvollero), applies for any device.
- Roland Sennrich (nicetux), applies for any device.
Submissions already discarded after a second review:
- Timo Pelkonen (ossipena), applies for N9.
- Kathy Smith (RevdKathy), applies for any device.
- Maurice Fakhry (myname24), applies for N950.
- Daniel Persson (toxaris) applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Misha Ketslah (ZogG), applies for N950.
- Jonni Rainisto (jonni), applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
- Ashish Chapagain (somedude), applies for N9.
- Arto Jalkanen (ajalkane), applies for N9.
Self discarded submissions:
- Michael Demetriou (qwazix) applies for N950 (would also accept N9).
In order to receive the prize, it's mandatory that all awarded create an account at Nokia Developers. Once created, you need to add your postal information to your profile (otherwise Nokia won't know where to send the device).
Then we need to know your Nokia Developer ID (the login name at Nokia Developers that you have created). All the winners will receive a notification email, please respond to including the following data:
- Full name
- ID at Nokia Developers
- Email address.
Please send this data before next Monday, June 25th, as we need to provide the full list to Nokia to start sending the devices.
Final list of winners:
- Christian Ratzenhofer (merlin1991) will receive N950.
- Dennis Groenen (iDont) will receive N950.
- Ivaylo Dimitrov (freemangordon) will receive N950.
- Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh (MohammadAG) will receive N9.
- Paolo Iommarini (sakya) will receive N950.
- Paul Sleggs (vi_) will receive N950.
- Pavol Rohár (pali) will receive N950.
- Ivan Galvez Junquera (ivgalvez will receive N9.
- Robert Bauer (SD69) will receive N950.
- Ed Bartosh (ed_) will receive N9.
- Harald Schmitt, (hschmitt) will receive N9.
- Marcin Mielniczuk (marmistrz) will receive N9..
- Matan Ziv-Av (matan) will receive N950.
- Roman Moravcik (rmoravcik) will receive N9.
- Xabier Rodríguez (calvaris) will receive N9.
- Ruediger Schiller, (chemist) will receive N9.
- Niel Nielsen (nieldk) will receive N950.
- Piotr Jawidzyk (Estel will receive N950.
- Holger Nahrstaedt (HolgerN) will receive N9.
- Ilya Skriblovsky (Mitrandir) will receive N9.
- Felipe Crochik (fcrochik) would receive N9, but he has generously donated it to the Coding Competition.
- Vlad Vasilyeu (vasvlad) will receive N9.
- Mikhail Ramalho, (mikhail_ramalho) will receive N9.
- Rob Simpson (Robbiethe1st) will receive N9.
- Kenneth Kasilag (Hurrian) will receive N9.
- This page was last modified on 22 June 2012, at 16:22.
- This page has been accessed 305,761 times.