Sprints/January 10


January 2010 Sprint planning


Ongoing tasks carried here from the previous sprint + New tasks committed by their owners in the sprint meeting. They come from the tasks in the Backlog and the Proposals.

Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Really stuck/delayed
Task ID Task Sprint priority Owner Percentage complete Notes
9.10-07 Server migration Must Ferenc 90% The only server left is
10.01-01 Refine the karma system Must VDVsx 60% Discussion here and here.
10.01-02 Testing Squad Must VDVsx 0%
9.09-01 Push packaging policy updates Should X-Fade, danielwilms 60% Unfortunately more changes needed than expected, not completed yet
9.09-10 Implement SSO sync-API endpoint for garage Should danielwilms 80% implemented new server instance for midgard account-sync, cas change from ldap to MySQL, certificates in place for endpoint-sync
9.11-17 Implement new UI for the application-downloader Should danielwilms, wazd 60% changes in REST-API done, now completing UI changes


None yet

Activity log

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