Open development/Maemo roadmap/Harmattan

Harmattan is the codename of the release to come after Fremantle.

The content of this page is based on known events and announcements. It is very far from complete at the moment.


[edit] Harmattan timeline


  • 2009-10-09/11: Harmattan news are expected in the Maemo Summit. Some related sessions are already scheduled.

[edit] New

[edit] Changes

  • Official application framework based on Qt. Hildon/GTK+ libraries are expected to be supported by the community.

[edit] Enhancement requests implemented

ProductComponentIDSummary (32 tasks)
Chat & Call & SMSCall Application UI5378+Provide a way to copy an unknown number to clipboard
Chat & Call & SMSCall Application UI10446Show multiple contacts for a shared number instead of the number
Chat & Call & SMSCall Application UI5552+When being called it is not clear what number someone used
Chat & Call & SMSMessaging5409+Cannot send empty SMS
ContactsGeneral5481+Assisted interactive process for merging contacts
CoreBusybox3032+missing diff utility (required by the GNU Coding Standards)
CoreBusybox7014+ash saves only 15 lines of history
Desktop platformgeneral2724+Please provide xdg-utils
Desktop platformHome3030API for services to change wallpaper
Desktop platformVirtual keyboard (halfscreen)481Virtual Keyboard should get more hints and be smarter
EmailGeneral6185Provide the ability to disable mail accounts
GamesChess755chess: changing the colours
GamesMarbles378Marbles colors not good for color blind
Images and CameraImage viewer5402Image Viewer missing rubber-banding (bounce) effect
MapGeneral6346Screen should never automatically dim when using Maps
MultimediaMultimedia framework176Ogg Vorbis support out of the box
MultimediaMultimedia framework2527Support FLAC out of the box
Settings and MaintenanceControl panel688Let user select default applications for MIME types
Statusbar WidgetsBattery1046Power Management Profiles (AC/Battery, Timed, Environment and screen saver)
SynchronizationMail for Exchange8452+Provide "provisioning support" for Exchange
System softwaregeneral10829+upgrade libsdl-mixer1.2 to version 1.2.8
UI SpecificationGeneral3866Please, add "last used special characters" palette
UI SpecificationGeneral4002+Grey out (instead of hiding) Memory cards in File Manager when USB connected
UtilitiesClock1193Enable selectable Alarm to be Internet Radio
UtilitiesClock2750Support clock synchronization by GPS
UtilitiesClock472Support clock synchronization by NTP
UtilitiesClock10239Alarm settings are not available on alarm screen.
UtilitiesFile manager1248Drag-and-drop requires an excessive number of confirmation dialogs
UtilitiesPDF reader10405+PDF Reader should have a "Go to page..." feature
UtilitiesPDF reader3057PDF Reader should have "Continuous" mode
UtilitiesPDF reader2108Allow searching in PDF documents
UtilitiesPDF reader5403No kinetic scrolling and rubber banding (bounce effect) in PDF reader

[edit] Bugs fixed

ProductComponentIDSummary (44 tasks)
Chat & Call & SMSCall Application UI10864+call log missing non-cellular call options for numbers without contacts
Chat & Call & SMSCall Application UI6835+Phone contact viewer should allow selection of call type, and filter contacts accordingly
Chat & Call & SMSMessaging7128+Pressing Return hardware key in 'To' field should bring up contacts, not a new line
Chat & Call & SMSMessaging10640+Going online with Skype after lots of Skype chats on another machine freezes device for minutes
Chat & Call & SMSPresence5670+Generic "Unable to connect to one or more accounts" message unhelpful
Chat & Call & SMSTelepathy8615+telepathy-sofiasip uses lots of memory and causes the phone to swap
Chat & Call & SMSXMPP6531+Extended IM contact info is not fetched for XMPP contacts
Chat & Call & SMSXMPP7362+XMPP client doesnt log off if device is shut down on NATed connection
ConnectivityICD10371+No signals are emitted in test-connect.c of libconic (0.24+0m5)
ConnectivityNetworking10164+DHCP assigned netmask results in no routes
ContactsGeneral5480+undo/un-merge merged contacts
CoreBusybox5317+Shell does not save command history / Busybox doesn't handle SIGHUP properly
CoreBusybox9247+Busybox fuser command is non-functional
CoreBusybox7944+utilities infocmp, tic, tput etc not installed though busybox provides ncurses-bin
CoreBusybox11537+busybox "date -I" segfaults
CoreBusybox3957+Busybox does not support "ls -Q" which some scripts need
CoreBusybox2918Shell line editing doesn't support UTF-8, non-ASCII letters followed by Ctrl+a in XTerminal move cursor too far to the left
CoreBusybox6606+No getopts, called by init-functions (lsb-base)
Coregeneral6183+lsof reports incorrect inode for replaced mmaped files
CoreKernel8715+iphb module dereferences NULL pointer
Desktop platformFonts6302+Fonts are missing many arrows (used by IDN shortener URLs)
Development platformgeneral5996+ContextKit: Doesn't check for libxml-dom-perl, then fails.
Development platformgeneral6025+ContextKit: No rule to make target `context-intro.html'
Development platformgeneral5899+ContextKit: Build fails without asciidoc
Development platformSDK4734+lsb-core conflicts with python >= 2.6, blocking PyMaemo from upgrading to 2.6
EmailGeneral3888+IMAP-IDLE not working
Images and CameraCamera9085+Camera lens is returned too hard back to home position
LocationGeneral11354+gypsy-daemon can not parse GPRMC message from external GPS receiver
MapGeneral10299+Current location icon does not indicate accuracy of fix
MapGeneral9472+Shows many house numbers in Czech Rep. at inaccurate position and shows non-existing houses
MapGeneral9202+Maps claim some streets in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland are in Czech Republic (near the border)
MultimediaMultimedia framework8308+Media Player does not resume playback after a ringtone is played in Settings/Profiles
MultimediaPulseaudio7484+After playing music, hanging up a call, music returns to previous volume directly (can hurt ears)
MultimediaPulseaudio10929+Playback volume of audio song reduces after resume when ending skype call.
System softwareUpstart7514+/etc/modules doesn't load modules as expected
TelephonyGeneral8343+Skype throws "Incorrect address" error for phone numbers with p (pause tone) in Contacts
TelephonyGeneral7733+ifupdown script environment contains empty IFACE and LOGICAL values when connecting to GPRS
UI SpecificationGeneral6739+Cannot set Socks5 proxy in the Internet Connection Settings dialog
UI SpecificationGeneral6363+Date format should be defined by Regional Settings, not Device Language
UI SpecificationGeneral2821+Connection Manager: Global WLAN power saving settings in per-connection settings
UI SpecificationGeneral11285+Bluetooth scan displays empty buttons
UI SpecificationGeneral9610Photos app name not consistent with contents of app
UtilitiesPDF reader2150+PDF Reader doesn't support internal document hyperlinks
UtilitiesPDF reader4600+PDF reader wrongly claims that specific PDF file is password protected