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By using these testing images, you're morally obligated to test them and to edit this page and report -every single bug you find-, no matter if they're theme flaws, quirks, bugs or crashes. You can optionally also use bugzilla , use version 0.15.
Please send the bug report urls to mer-chatter (see Mer/Awareness ) as well and share your bugs, testing experiences.
Test master is Meizirkki, and can be found in #mer on usually and you can ask him if there's some specialized areas that need testing. Take the "Completed" things first. If you are testing, go to #mer anyway. Good place to be.
These images will not be the only ones this week. In N8x0 installer, when it asks for URL=, write URL=http://the.image.intended. Instructions on Mer/Documentation/Installation still apply.
These images may potentially turn your device into a insane machine bent on removing humanity from this earth and may potentially brick your device, so, NO WARRANTY.
MD5sums: 042e9f15bc026b26db54b97a7df99921 mer-armel-freerunner-rootfs-v0.15testing7.tar.gz a0db6ede7fba51e32ce514c50865be0f mer-armel-n8x0-flashrootfs-v0.15testing7.zImage 7d6db0868fdce7a0ce9c6dd75bc14985 mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.15testing7.jffs2 32151907bcd773d69f048210b87f30f4 mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.15testing7.jffs2.raw 4399fed9e386b49e665f71f54854905a mer-armel-n8x0-image-v0.15testing7.tar.gz ff2ae5a7328c9ae668ae2b2b466b7e07 mer-armel-n8x0-standard-v0.15testing7.zImage f22178fc46527d6b931aaa926df048a7 mer-armel-smartq5-rootfs-v0.15testing7.tar.gz dfe1ecb0aed8d834edad1e8ef22c81cb mer-armel-smartq5.SmartQ5 f47d232c48740901d2c3be56e42c4d7b mer-armel-smartq7-rootfs-v0.15testing7.tar.gz 3c0dbb324a174e8f873ef4a9baed94fe mer-armel-smartq7.SmartQ7 b902ceaa2e0e304b86b854f669b11dee mer-x86-generic-image-v0.15testing7.tar.gz a7961aaf9bd8d9b72fb96e4c18792a52
Contents |
[edit] Bugs in 0.15testing6
- (in progress of getting fixed) - Chinese translations are broken.
- N8x0: Xorg acts weird
- N8x0: hald-addon-bme has "batery.reporing.last_full"
- Missing translations for default locale (En_US) mainly in Application manager (ai_ti_main, ai_li_size_100kb, ai_li_size_max_99kb, aibddetailsclose, ai_ia_select_location, ai_fi_select_location_application, ai_fi_select_location_location, aibdselectlocationok, aibdselectlocationcancel, ai_ni_install_sucessful) , but also in Settings ("tncpa_ap_tn_sb", "tncpa_ti_tnsb_title", "tncpa_fi_tnsb_applications", "tncpa_bv_tnsb_organise", basically most if not *all* that beging with "tncpa_", there is too many to retype here, almost nothing is translated there, apart from some names of applets)
- FineFileManager installed from Application Manager does not display any files nor directories and has missing icon in the bottom toolbar.
- Tear has missing "home" icon in bottom toolbar
- The "Are you sure you wish to reboot?" window is broken. It appears in the upper-left corner, without decoration, the left and top sides of the window are cut off. The strings for Yes and No buttons are missing ("wdgtbdyes" and "wdgtbdno"). By the way, this goes against many user interface guidelines. The buttons should say "Reboot" and "Cancel" instead of "Yes" and "No".
- The same issue as above applies to confirming shutdown and offline mode. Obviously, the buttons should be "Shut down/Cancel" and "Go Offline/Cancel", respectively.
- Cannot click on links while browsing with tear under Vmware image (vm bug or tear bug?)
- Mirage installed from Application Manager does not launch. Crashes on ImportError: No module named osso in /usr/share/mirage/ line 35 "import osso"
- Issue is due to python-osso not supporting python2.5 (stskeeps)
- Tested with launching using python2.6 instead of python2.5 (epage)
- Mirage seems to not have any major compatibility issues between python versions
- python-osso dependency then gets satisfied and the world is a happy place
- Missing icons in Terminal bottom toolbar Screenshot
- Settings app entry should have an icon (not just the default one); Screenshot
- Inconsistency in icon size and style. Example: tear should have a bigger icon. Mer project should define a standard size for icons so that packagers know what icons they should pack in their app. Screenshot
- Installing (through app manager) an app shorcut to any other folder than "extras" has no effect. The app entry always end up in extras (I tried to install Tear in "Internet" -> ends up in "extras". Same for several apps).
- HomeIP applet installed from Application Manager, cannot be selected to show on homescreen (selecting it has no effect).
- python-hildondesktop broken?
- hildon-desktop-env needs dependancy on hildon-application-manager-l10n-public-enus1 hildon-common-strings-l10n-public-enus1 hildon-control-panel-l10n-public-enus1 hildon-fm-l10n-public-enus1 hildon-input-method-l10n-public-enus1 hildon-libs-l10n-public-enus1 ke-recv-l10n-public-enus1 maemo-af-desktop-l10n-public-enus1 osso-games-l10n-public-enus1 osso-system-lock-l10n-public-enus1 osso-uri-l10n-public-enus1
[edit] Added strings to en_US
In hildon-application-manager: # This is the name of the top bar in HAM msgid "ai_ti_main" msgstr "Home" msgid "ai_li_size_max_99kb" msgstr "%d kB" msgid "ai_li_size_100kb_10mb" msgstr "%.1f MB" msgid "ai_li_size_10mb_1gb" msgstr "%d MB" msgid "ai_li_size_larger_than_1gb" msgstr "%.1f GB" msgid "ai_li_de_size_max_999kb" msgstr "%d kB" msgid "ai_li_de_size_1mb_10mb" msgstr "%.2f MB" msgid "ai_li_de_size_10mb_1gb" msgstr "%.1f MB" msgid "ai_li_de_size_larger_than_1gb" msgstr "%.2f GB" msgid "ai_bd_details_close" msgstr "Close" msgid "ai_ia_select_location" msgstr "Select location for application" msgid "ai_fi_select_location_application" msgstr "Application:" msgid "ai_fi_select_location_location" msgstr "Location" msgid "ai_bd_select_location_ok" msgstr "OK" msgid "ai_bd_select_location_change_folder" msgstr "Change folder" msgid "ai_ni_install_successful" msgstr "%s installed" msgid "tncpa_li_plugin_update_notifier" msgstr "Software Updates" In hildon-libs: In hildon-input-method: msgid "inpu_nc_common_menu_tools" msgstr "Tools" msgid "inpu_nc_common_menu_edit_cut" msgstr "Cut" msgid "inpu_nc_common_menu_edit_copy" msgstr "Copy" msgid "inpu_nc_common_menu_edit_paste" msgstr "Paste" msgid "inpu_nc_common_menu_tools_help" msgstr "Help"
[edit] Bugs in testing7
Mark if previous bugs were fixed in this version as well.
- The default terminal cannot be scrolled in any way. No scrollbar, does not react to touch.
- The strings still have "Nokia" and "Maemo" in them. They should be replaced with "Mer".
- At least for N8x0, it would be reasonable to double the backlight timeouts (60 for fade, 120 to disable). The device is just too slow for some actions to complete (especially in the terminal) within 30 seconds, making the default setup irritating.
- In the panel for changing brightness and volume, the volume icon is repeated in a grid. There should be only one icon there, not four.
- When a reboot or shutdown procedure is taking place, all the applets that change their state show up briefly on the screen, making the process look unpolished and ugly. There's also a blinking cursor showing through if you leave the terminal open while shutting down or rebooting. Basically, if there is anything on the screen during a reboot or shutdown that changes its state, it shows up.
- "Authorizations" menu element should be hidden. It's of no use to normal users.
- "Drag Lock" should be renamed to "Lock applets" or a similar, less confusing name.
- Erratic dialog window behaviour. Open up the terminal and hit the Menu key a few times to open the menu and close it repeatedly. It'll open left-aligned or centered, depending on your luck.
- Error dialog windows (banners on the bottom of the screen with a "stop sign" icon) cannot be dismissed in any other way than hitting the hardware "Back" button.
- Disable grab in gksu for n800/non-kbd users - it asks for password in locale settings.
- Chinese strings now working
- [Nokia n8x0]NetworkManager not working. NM-applet says "Device not ready".
- [Nokia n810]Fn-key not working. (Install x11-xkb-utils to fix)
- Added to imager (stskeeps)
- [Nokia n8x0]Powerlaunch dialog is not popping up when pressing power button.
(Note: if this is the "Device mode" dialog window then it works fine for me with an N810. Short press = Device mode appears. Long press = soft poweroff - TomaszD)
- [Nokia n8x0] Going to soft poweroff by pressing and holding the power button for about two seconds results in: backlight turns off, comes back for a second, then goes away and soft poweroff is completed. Same thing happens when coming back from soft poweroff, the screen softly "blinks" at the user. Blinking does not occur when going into soft poweroff when the option is chosen from the Device mode dialog, however it does happen every time when the device comes back from this mode.
- [Nokia n8x0] If going to soft poweroff is done by pushing and holding a button for two seconds, then it stands to reason that the same action should turn the device back into normal mode. This is not the case - only a short push of the button brings it back to life.
- Maemopad: Missing translations = maemopad_save_changes_made, maemopadyes, maemopadno. Open files menu is screwed up. Dialog to confirm saving is displayed on top left of screen instead of center.
- Maemopad has no en_US translation. is a possible basis. (Stskeeps)
- Missing text: Settings -> About -> License button
- Desktop Menu Issues
- Calibrate Screen menu item non-functional
- Help menu item non-functional
- NetworkManager Applet
- Clicking "NetworkManager Website" errors with "Failed to show url Failed to execute child process "xdg-open" (No such file or directory)"
- Clicking OK Button on above error message is non-functional
- statusbarapplets misses hook to CPA
- statusbarapplets tries to read $HOME.osso/hildon-desktop/statusbar.conf, not $HOME/.osso/hildon-desktop/statusbar.conf
- statusbarapplets title needs to be better and less upper cased.
- blueman does not install correctly - errors
- qtablet does not install correctly - errors
- Display issues
- Editing DSL Connection -> PPP Settings tab -> "Available to all users" has the letters "Av" garbled.
- Display issue: Editing DSL Connection -> PPP Settings tab -> Options below Available to all users" is not displayed on the screen.
- Display issue: Editing DSL Connection -> IPv4 Settings -> Button for "Editing IPv4 routes" is not fully displayed on the screen.
- Installed Applications not launching from the Main Menu
- File Manager (Fine File Manager alternative does launch)
- Help Application
- Address Book
- RSS News Reader
- PDF Viewer
- Global Search
- Not sure how to diagnose for error messages... ideas? (mtc)
[edit] Bugs in testing7 - Localization Issues
- en_GB
- Virtual Keyboard Menu: "inpu_nc_common_menu_tools"
- Settings Menu: "tncpa_ap_tn_sb"
- Settings Menu, Title bar for above menu item: "tncpa_ti_tnsb_title"
- Settings Menu, Tab title: "tncpa_ti_tnsb_statusbar"
- Settings Menu, Marquee tab, First item: "tncpa_fi_tnsb_applications"
- Settings Menu, Marquee tab, First item, Button: " ... "
- Settings Menu, Marquee tab, First item, Button selected, Title bar: "tncpa_ti_of_title"
- Settings Menu, Marquee tab, First item, Button selected, All buttons...
- Application Manager, Title Bar: "ai_ti_main"
- Application Manager, Installed Applications, Size Column: "ai_li_size_100kb_10" and "ai_li_size_max_99kb"
- Application Manager, Available Applications, Size Column: "ai_li_size_100kb_10" and "ai_li_size_max_99kb"
- Application Manager, Available Applications, Install Error (or Update Error), Close Button: "ainibdclose"
- This page was last modified on 22 September 2010, at 10:03.
- This page has been accessed 51,633 times.