
MADDE is currently a technology preview.

These instructions are liable to change as development progresses. If some of the components do not work as expected, please add your question to the MADDE talk thread and follow up the discussion. is down, see MADDE#Installation for alternatives.



This guide explains how to take a simple Qt application and compile it so that it deploys to the N900 with an Icon. It is supposed to be step by step guide on how to take a (simple) Qt app and package and deploy it with an Icon using MADDE.


The project I have is simple, 1 window called mainwindow.

Note: As a convention I like to keep all my code together, so I have created any extra files in the "src" folder.


  1. Create simple project through MADDE. mad pscreate -t qt_simple projectname
  2. Edit and test with Qt Creator (or whatever your favorite tool is).
  3. Once ready to deploy create a clean empty top level folder <projectname>-0.x where x is your revision number, for example C:\Madde\0.5\home\shep\wwcalc-0.1 in the OS Note: the following 3 steps apply each time you go to build.
    1. ensure there is no debian folder at the same level as src
    2. ensure there is no folder structure called <projectname>-0.x-orig left over from a failed compile
    3. remove old compiles from the Madde\home\user, for example C:\Madde\0.5\home\Shep folder.
  4. Copy the src folder from the tested Qt project into the <projectname-0.x folder
  5. Create (or obtain) an application Icon. This should be a 64x64 PNG. Call it <projectname>.png and place it in the src folder.
  6. Again inside the src folder create a new file called <projectname>.desktop Code:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=<Long Descriptive Project Name>
  7. Inside the src folder added a file called Getting this right is the key to getting the Makefile correct and hence the install working. At the end of this file there is a section called INSTALLS += ... for every file you want installed in a location you need an entry here. In the example here we install the target, icon and desktop files. Code:
    TARGET = wwcalc
    TEMPLATE = app
    SOURCES += qtmain.cpp \
    HEADERS += mainwindow.h 
    FORMS += mainwindow.ui 
    PREFIX = ../debian/wwcalc/usr
    unix {
    PREFIX = /usr
    BINDIR = $$PREFIX/bin
    DATADIR =$$PREFIX/share
    INSTALLS += target desktop icon64 
      target.path =$$BINDIR
      desktop.path = $$DATADIR/applications/hildon
      desktop.files += wwcalc.desktop
      icon64.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
      icon64.files += wwcalc.png
  8. Up one level and inside the top level folder (that is, C:\Madde\0.5\home\<YOU!>\<projectname>-0.x ) create a file called <projectname>.pro with the following exact contents. Code:
    TEMPLATE = subdirs
    SUBDIRS  = src
  9. In Madde make sure the runtime is up and connectible and then execute. Code:
    mad dh_make --createorig --single -e -c gpl

    Several people have commented that mad qmake is not required, but I find there are times that it is, ignore this next line if you wish

    mad qmake
    mad dpkg-buildpackage
    mad remote -r org.maemo.<projectname> send ../<projectname>_0.x-1_armel.deb
    mad remote -r org.maemo.<projectname> install <projectname>_0.x-1_armel.deb
  10. Uninstalling - from an X_Terminal. Code:
    sudo gainroot
    dpkg -r <projectname>

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