[edit] News
7 May 10 - Qt 4.7 Beta1 packages for Maemo available read more
27 Apr 10 - Qt Mobility 1.0.0 is out but Maemo5 packages will be available after the PR 1.2. Extras-Devel still hosts old Mobility Beta packages.
22 Mar 10 - Qt 4.6.2 has replaced Qt 4.5.3 in the SDK PR 1.2. Run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to update it.
25 Feb 10 - How to make Qt Desktop Widgets
15 Feb 10 - Qt 4.6.2 is out. Qt Mobility (beta1) packages are in extras-devel.
20 Jan 10 - Qt Mobile Demos in extras-devel
19 Jan 10 - Qt 4.6 for Maemo 5 going Beta
15 Jan 10 - New Qt 4.5.3~git20090723-0maemo6 packages are now in Fremantle PR 1.1
22 Dec 09 - Qt example for MADDE (talk thread)
17 Dec 09 - declarative hits Maemo extras-devel repository
11 Dec 09 - Bye bye old static web pages.. all our pages are now in the Maemo Wiki. Old website is here
[edit] What is Qt?
Qt (pronounced as the English word "cute") is a cross-platform application development framework. More information is available at the Qt website.
[edit] Maemo Qt main features
- Hildon Style, so applications look like Hildon/GTK+ applications
- Hildon Input Method, so applications can use the virtual keyboard
- Hildon-specific widgets
- Qt 4.6, in Fremantle PR1.2 has full support
[edit] Maemo Qt in Action
- Diablo Maemo Qt
- Fremantle Maemo Qt
[edit] Supported Maemo devices
- Nokia N800/N810 (OS2008/Maemo4.1/Diablo)
- Nokia N900 (OS2009/Maemo5/Fremantle)
[edit] Installing Qt
Qt can be installed in Scratchbox for development. For applications that use Qt and are installed via the application manager, the necessary Qt packages will automatically be installed.
[edit] Available and proposed Qt Applications
If you want to port a Qt application to Maemo or if you want to check if an application you love has been already ported.. this is the place you would like to check.
[edit] Documentation
[edit] Qt
- Qt4 development developing with Qt for Maemo
- QtRuby
- PyQt Tips and Tricks
[edit] Non-Qt documentation
- Fremantle:
- Diablo
[edit] Further reading
- Forum Nokia Docs contain Maemo as well as other documentation related to other Nokia platforms
- Qt for Maemo Developers Guide, Forum Nokia
- Maemo documentation, mostly about Qt, Forum Nokia
- How to learn Qt, Trolltech
- Books listed at qt.nokia.com
- Qt4 hello world with python in 30 minutes
- Install D-Bus Service with Qt
- University Course (in progress): A syllabus for teaching Qt as an intensive two-week course.
[edit] Bug tracking
- Diablo & Fremantle Qt 4.5 port
- Fremantle Qt 4.6 port
[edit] Code
- Qt 4.5 (Diablo)
- Qt 4.5 (Fremantle)
- Qt 4.6 (Fremantle)
[edit] Get Help
- Forums
- Official Qt for Maemo IRC Channel
- Click here to join the #qt-maemo channel in frenode (irc.freenode.net).
- Mailing list
- This page was last modified on 30 December 2010, at 10:54.
- This page has been accessed 175,944 times.